Apr 01, 2010 07:58
Wow I seriously need to get my act into gear and damn well write something! I have all these ideas in my head but at the moment am too shit scared of ruining them if I try to write them! Issues? I have aplenty! So I'm just gonna get some of my ideas down on paper on ma LJ and see if that lets me develop some metaphorical balls to write the damn things!
Ok, so first off I want to do the whole 'We're gonna die, lets have sex! *sexing occurs* Oh wait we're not dead?...Awwwkward!' fic with Jim/Bones except not exactly with a typical 'love is all around' happy ending. Bones shall be a major ass, or rather basically admits he only slept with Jim because he thought he was gonna die but he's as straight as they come! Lies I tell you!
Then I'm thinking, maybe as a sequel then again maybe not, where Kirk is turned into a woman and mentally and physically tortured -I'm such a nice person!- and eventually once he's been saved finds out he can't be changed back, Bones is attracted to female Jim but Jim is so messed up by everything he can't even contemplate sex, major angst ensues!
So yeah these have been floating around in my head tonight...morning, damn it's almost 8am already I have to get up in 20 minutes, ALL HAIL THE ALMIGHTY ALLNIGHTERS!...yeah methinks its coffee time.
Also wishes she could stop wanting to do a MediatorxST:XI crossover, involving Suze in the future due to a freak out of shifter powers and turns up on some random world as their prophesied goddess/queen/shaman thing then Enterprise turn up and que hi-jinxes! Does anybody even read those books anymore?
fic ideas,
star trek