Apr 05, 2008 02:04
So, Suzie and I worked everything out. Well, I talked to Diedra, and we worked everything out. Suzie and I planned on getting back/staying together anyway just because we realized how attracted we really were to one another. We can't live for other people.
I'm glad everything seemed to fall into place, and that everything worked itself out. Suzie and I had to go through some stuff, but we managed to pull through it all and came out better than when we went in. That is one thing I really like.
*small note : I had a long ass entry right here, but I stupidly closed firefox and lost it all. I'm going to shorten everything.*
Basically what it boils down to is that I feel completely comfortable with Suzie. I just connect to her, and vice versa. We simply get each other and it's hard to describe beyond that. I've learned a lot of things from her just in this short time we've been together. That makes me happy, but it makes me even happier knowing that she feels the same way. We help each other. We're there for each other. I know we'll have to deal with things. But as long as you have that genuine concern/love/caring, and an open line of communication, I feel like we will be able to handle most anything thrown at us.
I care for her a lot and don't see that changing anytime soon. And I probably communicate with her better than anyone I ever have before. I find myself over-explaining things all the time because after a sentence or two, she just knows and understands. And it's the same way vice versa. I honestly feel like I've known her SOOOO much longer than what I have. It feels like we are lifelong friends.
I know I might seem batshit crazy insane for having such strong feelings for a girl this early, but I can't really control it (not that I would want to). I do bond with people fast. I have completely devoted all of myself to her, and I know she has as well. Which is special, and kind of scary for me. She hasn't been in this situation. I don't want to mess anything up. I just want to make everything as good as possible. I love her a lot. I'm completely happy with where I'm at with Suzie.
I'm pretty much entering a new phase of my life; Suzie being a cornerstone of it.
I guess I'm gently phasing away from Diedra and Jessa. Diedra and I did work our things out and I made the stupid mistake of thinking things were going good. I told her to call me one night eventually to talk. Not soon after that, I remembered the fact that she didn't want to attempt to be friends with me. It was better if we were "acquaintances." That made me feel really bad. We had actually hung around (not out) with each other and gotten along so I figured it might work. But I let my mind forget that. Made me feel dumb. It kind of upsets me, but you can't force people into things they don't want to be in.
Jessa, I don't know what Jessa's deal is really. She's apparently super pissed at me for having feeling for Suzie. *shrug* Oh well. I'm not living my life for other people. I understand she's trying to protect her sister or whatever she's doing, but I never did one thing wrong. I never threw it in anyone's face or ANYTHING like that. I did quite the opposite and was quite respectful of everyone in the situation. So if she has a problem with people having feelings for each other, so goes it. It's not going to change anything. It's not like I've been a major part of her life or vice versa anytime recently anyway.
So yeah, things in my life are changing I suppose. But overall, I'm satisfied. I love Suzie very much and I wouldn't change anything. I would like to keep diedra and jessa in my life but honestly at this point it's up to them. I'd love to be a part of their lives but if they don't want me, I'm not going to let it bother me like it once would have.
School is slowly starting to wrap together. I'm closer to being done than I'm ready to see, I suppose. I could be done next year. After this semester, I have:
*Calc II and Linear Algebra 8 hrs
*History Sequence 6 hrs
*Software ENG II 3 hrs
*Computer Architecture 3 hrs
*Operating Systems 3 hrs
*Free electives 4 hrs
*Major electives 9 hrs
36 hrs left.
I can possibly knock history seq and calc II out this semester. With my major electives I'm going to take Unix fundamentals and Client/server side programming to fulfill my minor in IT. I'm actually kind of getting scared about how close I am to being done.
Well, I'm kind of tired. I will update again before too long.
<3 everyone