News from the Sos-front
A lot going on in the Sosblog beat so I’ll try to keep this short and bullet like
- ate a “world famous chicken parm” at the Big A Deli (insert Afsheen joke) on Cambridge St in Allston. It was very good but I’m not sure it lived up to the billing on the awning (see quotes)
- my job kinda blows. Yeah me and teaching not so much- too much stress, too much work, too much responsibility. For future employment I’m thinking something museumy or maybe the Park Service. Or being a house husband, send all interested rich Jewish girls my way.
- First BBQ of the season was a rousing success. Stay tuned for next BBQ in June.
- I’m growing a beard again. So far so good.
- Played a sweet karaoke video game for playstation 2, “Karaoke Revolution”. It’s pretty awesome and you get to make your own performer. This was at my friend’s Melissa’s after our Youth Pride pub crawl. If you get a chance play Karaoke Revolution.
-I’m writing for the Bucket Brigade/Perkolators section of the Celticsblog. Check out my once a week updates on
http://celticsblog.net/bucketsbrigade/ - Talks have begun to reform my barbershop quartet, Four out of Five Dentists. Chris Alexander and Jwahl have agreed in principle to join Lars and Me in the 2nd version of 4o5D (note that’s the first use of that acronym). Chris is away for the summer so expect us to get started in the fall.
-Jwahl bought a condo so Stevo and I will need a new roommate. Anybody interested in a sweet place in Brighton give me a holler. Rent’s pretty cheap, it’s a great neighborhood, and me/stevo rule.