May 29, 2008 19:54
Yeah, so, I got some bummer news today on my way home from work. Creative Group called Holly and notified her that tomorrow will be her last day in the office. Both Holly and I are contractors through Creative Group in the communications department of an unnamed real estate investment firm in Walnut Creek.
I guess things are going to slow down in my office in the graphics department, so they feel they don't need her. Also, there's been some drama in the graphics department and Holly wasn't exactly loving the management style, so she's shocked, but not that shocked that The Firm has decided to cut her loose. Luckily for me, I don't have the same supervisor as Holly, so I'm not involved in the office politics. My supervisor is a nice guy.
Holly has been my office buddy for more than a year. I will really miss seeing her around the office. We climb the stairs together twice a day. We take our hour-long lunch time walks together. She's been there for me during some difficult times. I am so grateful that we worked together and became friends. I have no doubt that we will remain friends even though we don't work together anymore. We already hang out all the time outside of work.
Of course, the bright side is Creative Group is going to place her in a new job in San Francisco with an increase in salary. Nice! Maybe I should get the boot ...
Actually, I've been actively looking for a new job and have applied for a couple of things lately. I've been coasting long enough. I was focused on other people's needs for a long time, and now it's time to start focusing on what I need, what I want. I spent some much time trying to help someone else get what they wanted, trying to help them become the person they said they wanted to be that I put my own dreams on the back burner. It's sad, really. I give myself shame for that. Writing press releases in the communications department of a real estate investment firm is not what I should be doing. I know that. I've always known that. I know what I'm supposed to be doing. Writing.
I will get a new gig. I will begin writing that book with Tony. I have three people who are interested in joining a writers group, which will really motivate me to work on some ideas I've had for a while for another book that will either: A) totally suck and I'll stick in a drawer somewhere and try to forget; B) totally kick ass and I'll send out to anyone and everyone to get it published; or C) totally kick ass, but not get picked up by a publisher, so I will publish it myself.
OK, this blog post feels good. I deserve a beer. Tonight on the menu: Whole wheat pasta with organic vodka sauce and braised carrots ... and a beer! OH, look who's learning to cook for herself ...
in the cube,
the sonia show