Listen to the jungle song.

Jun 25, 2007 00:24

Sally is getting huge. Huge like XBox, dare I say. Need to take some pictures. :U

SERIOUSLY, not much going on. Had a wonderful few weeks with Kelley. 8D We watched a ridiculous amount of movies, as usual, and lol'd our asses off at The Three Stooges. Those guys are classic, man, classic. The Blair Witch 2, however, is, uh...not. We'll leave it at that.

Forgot to rent 'Tommy Boy'. Dammit. Fat guuuuy in a little coat...~ :U

Did get to witness the creation of a Breven entry, though! It was magical. Fucking magical. Epic.
We also went to Hot Topic with Catherine.
I am still incredibly wary of that store in general, what with the odd selection of frilly panties and underage girls running around, but I found a neat Zelda sketchbook for ten bucks. Suh-weet. Also bought a Zelda shirt yesterday to match. And don't laugh, they're both really subtle and black. It's just the Triforce birdy-legs seal.

...I kind of want a tattoo. Hopefully the urge wears off soon!

Also, I've kind of realized that I never use AIM anymore. Ever. I'll call Pat if I want to talk to him, so who besides him would I really talk to? (No offense Sev, seriously. I'm boring. You're not missing anything.) It's not so bad, I guess. Kelley has my AOL name.

...And now, OLDER ART, mostly doodles from work. We have slow spells during the week, so I horse around a lot.

Um. New character. He's stretchy and his name is Terlinck. He wears suits. Moving on!

Or, y'know. Not.

Warlock likes to pretend he has SOME dignity.

Drew this at work. A total of four people thought he was a woman. Mission accomplished.


More work drawings. One of the maintenance guys asked me if this was 'some weird sex device'. I lol'd and said 'maybe'.
...They think I'm a little off, at work. Which is nice, I'm mostly left to my own devices. It's kind of like "Oh, Anna? Yeah, she's great! Except for the cannibal jokes."


three stooges, a cannibal dumped his girlfriend, lololol ignoring you, fucking peppers, drawings, zelda, did you hear, nerd-time, wow blair witch is bad, movies, stems, lolling, here comes superman

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