Job newz. 8U

Feb 21, 2007 10:19

Man. If you ever want to feel like you're in The Matrix, go apply at Target.

They have this little corner with two computers, and you go sit down and click 'enter', and an application pops up. So, you type in all the necessary stuff (all while having the feeling you're being watched), then take a quick personality quiz. After which, a screen pops up saying you're finished, and to please pick up the red phone next to you.

...I'm still like 'wtf', so I pick up the phone, giving it suspicious looks, and it's dial tone. Then it starts ringing. An operator picks up a second later and goes, 'Hello?' and of course my first instinct is to say '..... ...Hello?', clutching the phone to the side of my head and wondering if I'm actually floating in a tank somewhere, and this is my brain malfunctioning.
Then she goes, "Your mission, should you choose to accept it..."

...Except what she actually said was "Can I help you?", so I collected my wits and told her I'd just finished an application. She told me she'd send a manager out to see me.

So after hanging up in a daze, nice-guy 'Manager Randy' wandered over and we chatted for a few minutes about what kind of position I'm looking for and what hours I'm available. After being impressed (or terrified) with my flexibility with hours and my previous experience, he said he'd print out my application and put it in the Human Resources box, and that a woman would call me to set up an appointment later this week.

So, awesome! I love Target. They have lots of pointless jewelry and candles and pretty dishes. Hello employee discount!
Barnes and Noble would have been nice, but I'm not sure how friendly they are over there, and I gave them my application Monday. We'll see. Job's a job, right?

the matrix, target, follow the white rabbit, friendly managers, work

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