MEME, and also, icon by my bb

Jul 12, 2010 11:19

yes that is fendall

big girlcrush on angry!fendall


Stolen from tigglespits, whole stole it from ghostneko!

1. Post 8 facts about your character.
2. something something
3. ???
4. Profit!



(1) Pitch is 63 years old. His species doesn't age as quickly as humans do, at least to a human's eyes (his own species can generally guess another's age pretty quickly). They live an average of 40-60 years longer than humans, as well. Pitch is on the borderline of middle-aged/older.
(2) He has an older brother, named Beauregard. Beau is about 10 years older than him. They don't get along well, probably out of bitterness on Pitch's part - he never knew his parents, and Beau looks completely normal besides. Pitch was also a huge baby, so their mother never really recovered from giving birth to him. Once their mother died, they were both removed to foster families, since the father wasn't really fit to care for them.
(3) He is generally mentally unsound. Most believe it's due to the mutations in his genes. On any given day, he could be anything from completely lucid to stark-raving mad. He is a masochist, and frequently uses self-harm to 'medicate' himself on a bad day - the pain distracts him from any visions he might be seeing, and levels him out, so to speak. His psychosis was more severe when he was younger - after he aged a little, and had a constant living presence in his house (Tone), he seemed to blink out of his episodes more easily with some coaxing. If he is hurt very severely (this has only happened a few times), he will lapse into long periods of silence and rapid eye movement. Phil only 'described' it to Tone, when he was younger, as "He's out, right now. Talkin' to them." and "Better wake him up before he goes for a walk."
(4) Pitch loves kids. They're one of the few things he can sympathize with. If a kid walked up to him and showed no fear, he would probably sit and talk to it quite happily. He has no desire to have his own children, even if he could - he'd never want to pass on his crappy genes.
(5) He was abused as a child, by his first foster 'family' - the family being a single man who had a decent amount of money. It was some terrible, masochistic shit, that he was very permanently scarred by. This is NOT something he shares readily, or even confirms if you find out from another source. He will probably outright deny it, or trivialize it to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal.
He killed the man himself, when he was seven years old, and ate portions of him out of spite. This is the first time he was involved with the law - they sent him to another foster family who made every effort to make him feel comfortable and loved. He killed them as well, eating his 'favorite' parts of them, after living with them until he was about thirteen.
He says he loved them, and that's why he ate them, at the time.
He 'ran' far away, and the authorities only found him after he'd grown into a massive meat-eating powerhouse, at nineteen. By then he was about 7 or 8 feet tall.
(6) Pitch does not like making eye contact with people he doesn't know. He'll lock 'eye' with you only if he's comfortable with you, or if he is going to eat you/thinking about eating you. It's a fine line, and often hard to tell if he's really looking at you, because of the light color of his eye/pupil.
(7) He is fairly educated in the ways of the internets. Tone bought him a laptop with some of their hit money, and he steals a wireless connection from some of his closer neighbors. For a monster, he is quite technologically savvy - he can use a computer, phone, PDA (tiny buttons, grrr), and can generally figure out whatever else you hand him. He's quite clever. He's also probably a giant troll.
(8) Other than eating decent-sized portions of his hits for nourishment (Pitch has only one mood: HUNGRY), he accepts payment in maps, hand-held weapons, and money. If he kills you, it's also a good chance that he will take your wallet and/or clothes, to keep as souvenirs. He has big boxes of them in a spare room in his house.


(1) Was three years old when he came to live with Pitch - he doesn't remember his real birthday, so he uses the date Pitch remembers he found him (June 24th).
(2) He and Pitch had a close mutual friend (Alessa, 24, deceased), who made him a red scarf/wrap that he wears when he thinks of her. Pitch doesn't like it, but he also kept something of hers (tooth and bone necklace) to wear now and then, so he doesn't say anything.
(3) Usually has a very sunny and friendly disposition, which is infrequently punctuated by deep depressions and fits of anger. His attitude changes as he grows older in the story, and he finds himself more and more unsympathetic to humans, as well as acquiring a nagging hunger.
(4) Will eat raw flesh, if Pitch gives it to him. He is deeply ashamed by this, but he doesn't see any reason not to eat it, at the time.
(5) His favorite color is yellow. It was his mother's favorite color.
(6) Will play the middle-man with you and Pitch, if he likes you - befriending Tone might keep you alive. Maybe.
(7) Loves the outdoors. He will spend all day running and swimming and climbing trees. He sleeps outside sometimes.
(8) Has a very keen eye for trajectory and physics - he has a game he plays, by himself, which is basically him taping cups to every available surface and trying to bounce a rubber ball into them. He'll do it for hours.

Warlock Salvatore

(1) The age I use for him varies, depending on if it's OMG!ROLEPLAYTIEM or 'realistic' vampire years. He was turned at the age of 17, by a lone feral vampire. This makes him somewhat of the oddball in his family, as most of the Salvatores are turned by other family members. The generally accepted age for him is over a thousand. He shares my birthday, March 23rd (because he is my baby).
(2) Warlock has a very visceral aversion to drinking blood. For a long time, he was extremely unhappy as an immortal, even going so far as to bury himself for almost 200 years to escape life. He will starve himself for long periods of time, and then inevitably be unable to stand it anymore and hurt or kill someone on accident. He's trying to break himself of this habit by feeding more regularly, from donors.
(3) He is, and always will be, very upset by his parent's death. They were both burned as witches when he was young, and he's sort of carried it with him all this time. He is a big ball of vampire angst, and is always afraid of more of his loved ones suffering similar fates, so he's sort of a homebody.
(4) Has an intense love of music of ALL kinds, and spends a lot of his free time learning to play all sorts of musical instruments. He's most proficient in piano, violin, and organ (how dramatic). He can pick up things like guitar and bass, if given a while to remember the method.
(5) Was in a super-fabulous 80's band, no lie. (This isn't COMPLETELY canon, but then again, neither is Warlock himself.) The band's name was 'With Teeth', and was sort of a rock/glam!rock hybrid, who gained a bit of a cult following for their tendency to do impromptu song requests of ALL kinds, and also they had a vampire. It consisted of him and four other guys: Johnny (guitar), Kevin (keyboard/synth effects), Don (drums), and Ivan (bass - this guy came and went, and sometimes Warlock had to fill in). They meet once a year, and play an annual show for their fans. This is sort of depressing for Warlock, because he sees them getting older every year, while he stays the same. He doesn't like to think about them dying.
(6) Warlock is really terrible with most things modern and technical. He only has a computer because he bought it for Remliss, and she helps him durp around on it now and then. He doesn't own a cellphone - but he DOES have an mp3 player. Remliss also bought this (and loads it with music) for him.
(7) The castle that he and some of his family live in is actually in his name - his father left it to him, though Warlock's greatxamillion uncle Laurentiu took care of it while he was wandering around Europe as a vampire. Warlock lives there year-round, and generally tries to handle a lot of the care and maintenance himself (they do have a maid come in every week or so to take care of things, but it makes everyone sort of uncomfortable, since they're all human).
(8) Is a magic-user - it's something his mother AND Laurentiu have taught him over the years, and he's pretty adept at it. He can also shape-shift to very simple forms (bat, wolf, cat, classic vampire stuff).

tone, meme, warlock, pitch, writing

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