I'm not your boyfriend, baby. (obviously)

Jan 16, 2009 16:24

Kelley gave me her 3OH!3 CD, because she'd already burned it, and was probably sick of having whiteboi rap in her car - I, ON THE OTHER HAND, AM DEVOURING THIS CD. The very gangsta of it is enough to make me turn my hat sideways, guys.

Started school this week - last semester, hopefully. Six hours of the same damn teacher. XD I feel like I'm in grade school again~! Prof. is a badass, though, for someone who only started this year. He somehow manages to control the class, entertain us, and teach at the same time. Definitely demands a certain amount of respect. He's been in the graphic design field for a while, and the military before that. And anyone who wears a motorcycle jacket with a shirt and tie is okay by me.
...I hope I can learn enough from him before I graduate. I feel like I've been missing out until now, this guy really knows what he's doing.

Visit with Kelley was fabulous, as usual, in all senses of the word. We had a lot of fun - watched horrible and not-so-horrible movies, laughed 'til we cried and cried 'til we laughed, at something or other.
We watched 'What Dreams May Come' with Robin Williams, and oh god, I probably sobbed through half the movie. I would reccomend this movie to ANYONE looking for a good cry and a happy ending. I cannot stand crying through a movie and then just...getting nothing out of it, but this was wonderful. The textures and color palettes were wonderful, the acting and the messages, it was all good stuff. I am a complete sucker for romance/drama movies.
Kelley and I also watch movies completely differently. Here I was, face all screwed up and tears streaming, as Robin Williams goes through hell to find his wife, and Kelley's sitting there straight-faced with the occassional stray tear. Only AFTER the movie is over does she lean over on me and bawl. Her explanation was something like "I would have cried, but I wanted to see the movie! I can't see it if I'm crying! D8"

One night, I must've been passed out cold, but Kelley tells me I started talking -
"Door's open. Mirror's behind them. Faces like gunshots."
I only vaguely remember the dream, some deep voice from my closet and a mirror covering my ceiling, dark spots on the wall by my bed. I can clearly recall the voice if I think about it, but I don't want to. The whole thing smacked of nightmares, and when I woke up Kelley was clearly spooked, though she was laughing. We cracked some jokes and went back to sleep, I think, so no harm done, but I've been thinking about distorted doors for days. Need to not play 'Eversion' anymore, yeah?

Saw Catherine while Kelley was here! We caught the movie 'The Unborn' after some lunch, and I cringed and cowered and FROZE MY ASS OFF through the whole damn thing. Catherine? Unaffected. I want to know what's going on in her head, sometimes.

Our visit was great, though. We wandered around the old antiques store here, and she touched EVERYTHING, which was both adorable and horrifying for me. It's kind of fun, seeing our differences. I think she sees it too, because she points it out sometimes.
We were mixing up our dinner (instant mashed potatoes and gravy and cheese and god knows what, it was her idea), and she has a flurry of flakes all over the counter, and I'm mixing away with this circle of clean counter around my bowl. Kelley sort of...looked, and went 'GOD, how do you do that?' and I'm just like...well. Don't ask me.
Little things, you know? How I never REALLY feel like sleeping, how as soon as she hits the pillow she's out. One weekend we were alone, and I was so awake I had to get up and clean the kitchen at 2 o'clock in the morning and make myself a cup of tea in the dark. She slept right through me wandering around until 3 o'clock, when I crawled back into bed and shifted around for a while more.
It's good, that we're not too similar. I think we'd drive eachother crazy if we were.

But for every time I get frustrated at either of us, I remember how lucky I am. To have such a sweet girl in love with me, to be so in love with her. I feel like I don't say it enough, sometimes - she heaps praise on me every ten minutes, and I can't make myself say it all the time like she can. My words are sort of few and far between, and I don't want to cheapen my love for her by saying it all the time. I want to say she's beautiful, loyal, creative, everything to me. But when she says it to me first, I freeze up and make generic cooing noises and smile, and I'm totally enamored and forget what I'm doing. She says everything I'm thinking, and I don't want to repeat her(myself), so I just give her a kiss and leave it at that.

I'm drawing a blank on what to say next, but. I love her. I've never met anyone who's been so interested in what I have to say, anyone who I'd listen to talk for hours, just to hear their voice, to know what they're thinking. She's everything to me.

I love you, Kelley. Your Mom. <3

school, kelley, i am a crazy bastard

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