Lol weekend.

Nov 25, 2007 14:03

So, this weekend I managed to get Friday AND Saturday off, so I drove my ass up to North Carolina to see, WHO ELSE, but my loverly Kelley.

Four hours doing nothing doesn't seem so bad, compared to standing eight hours at work. I breezed through the drive there like nothing. It was only the last hour, when I started seeing familiar shit, that I was like MUST GET THERE NOOOOW.

The apartment they're staying in is really nice. I was surprised. It was like a tiny house. Apparently insurance is paying for it, so. ...Man, I want one. I have no idea how much the usual rate is, though. I contemplated moving up there multiple times, but. Unless I actually found an awesome job up there, I could never justify it with my parents.

ANYWAY, I was ecstatic, as usual, to see Kelley. We did the customary flying-hug when I got out of the car. That first hug is always the most awesome.
We ditched Terry, who was lurking around the livingroom, and went to Taco Bell, Barnes & Noble, and the mall. I had a mini panic attack. So many people, so much negative energy. It WAS Black Friday, after all. I felt bad, because Kelley had wanted to go, so I tried to feign amusement for a few stores. After that, I must have looked freaked out, because she kept asking if I was okay. What the hell, why am I so sensitive to other peoples' stress?
Also, we rented some Family Guy, and the movie 'Little Nicky'. Popeye's chicken is fuckin' AWESOME. 8D
I gave her one of her Christmas presents early, because I am a softy. It was an awesome CD, man. Serj Tankian. I can't just monopolize that shit.

Only part that kind of freaked me out was I went with them to help clean out the remains of the house. We got there a few hours after they did, so we only had to sort stuff and pick up the yard, but. Y'know. It was kind of weird, seeing her room all black and grey. I remember picking up one of her old dream journals and looking at it, and the plastic cover was all warped and half-melted.
It was kind of...sad. I couldn't really feel anything for the house, I didn't have any real connection to it. But it was like the second we got there, Kelley just...clammed up. I didn't want to say anything, if she didn't want to talk, because she seemed upset. I don't know if it was at her parents, or if she just didn't want to be there. Maybe both. After I got home, I was talking to her on AIM, and she said something like 'I felt bad everytime I saw you making a pouty-face when I was mean to my parents'. And, yeah. I did feel bad for her parents, too.

I think Kelley's completely justified in wanting to be angry, and wanting to be left alone for a while, but I also feel for her parents. Especially her Mom. Her Mom's the only one doing a significant amount of work out of her and Terry, and I feel...just icky, if Kelley snaps at her. I guess I've got a good relationship with my parents, so I can't imagine our home life being like that. Kelley, I love you, don't take this the wrong way. XD

I love her dearly, though. We had a lot of fun in those two days, and probably talked non-stop. Delicious Kelley brainthoughts. Also brought home a lovely black-and-blue reminder on my neck, hahahaha yeah anyway.

It really got me when she thanked me for coming, as I got in the car to leave. 'I needed you', she said, and I couldn't think of anything she could have said that would've made me feel more loved. Feeling needed, to me, is one of the most important things, and she lets me know I am all the time.

Here is where my coherancy goes OUT THE WINDOW, because oh my god, work entries, there is no way I am tearing up at work. Time to go eat dinner, as there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO. 8D <33

i needed you, sing us a soooong, kelley is adorable guys, you're the piano maaaan, omg my neck is sore, delicious weekendmeats

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