Apr 18, 2005 00:20
having visited wash u. in st louis, i realized how much of a difference in who i become will be based on one single word i choose to use and where i choose to use it.
i guess i could make the informed decision, and contrast the pros and the cons, which in the large scheme of things, play a large part in the shaping of my future career. which has better resources? research? faculty? which is more financially possible? which is more recognized? which...blah blah...and it goes on.
i could make the rash decision and go to the place where i could comfortably and happily call it home. a feeling which was decided in the short time i spent there, and the small portion of people i met, which could either accurately or not, represent the future playing pieces in the crap boardgame that is my life.
i could try and make a compromise between the two ways of thought. but which should receive priority? all in all, i dont really know what i'm going to do. i could be...me or...i could be another version of me. neither version is true and neither version is false, merely a different form i take on, that is both inherently and superficially a part of me.
so i guess, once again, my answer still is, "ask me on may 1st" class of '09
signing off ----- pip pip pip .--.....-.-.-..-...--...---. me