Title: Come What May Pairing: Minseok/Sehun Rating: NC-17 Length: 11k Author's Note: Originally written for xiuhunation. Warnings: abo, mpreg Summary: Sehun getting pregnant was not part of Minseok's plan.
I laughed at so many parts in this fic like omg you have no idea how much i enjoyed reading this. Minseok did what i believe my brother did when he found out he and his wife were having a baby. Sehun kicking him out the best was prefect. I love the beanbags and the story that goes along with them! Joy walking back out of the office was hilarious. I love how Minseok and Sehun work and how they are there for each other even if Min didn't realize it until Luhan told him. This was a great read.
OMG I'd thought puppy Chanyeol shredding his diapers was the most adorable thing I'd ever read, but this one made me cry!! It takes me back to when my babies were born (three years apart!) and it just all feels so realistic! The pacing was perfect, the uncertainty slowly sliding into contentment was absolutely spot on. I just loved every minute of it! <3
I melted into the pudle of very satisfied goo. Babies, fluff, alpha/omega dynamics - I really couldn't ask for more. Thank you for sharing this with world! :D
Ahhh, this was such a lovely read. It was absolutely adorable and I really enjoyed the flow of this. Xiumin's uncertainty is refreshing, since not everyone is prepared for these things. It was really great to see it work out and that he was truly happy to have a family with Sehun. Also, Luhan was a riot. A+
Like usual, amazing job. Look forward to the next piece.
Comments 9
Like usual, amazing job. Look forward to the next piece.
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