Title: Old Magic
Pairing: Minseok/Sehun
Rating: NC-17
Length: 2200w
Warning: knotting
Summary: Wizard Minseok gets more than he bargained for when he attempts to summon his familiar and ends up with an Alpha werewolf instead.
The man trapped in a circle of salt and mountain ash is naked, his bare skin pale and the muscles underneath flexing as he tries to pick himself off the floor. )
Comments 10
And omg you wrote more of the SuKai yeeeeeeeeessssss beg Junmyeon beg *o*
I can't even address the last drabble what happened on Sunday WHAT HAPPENED
Jongin and Joonmyun! I had to go back and reread the first story. Loved them both, and now I see that Chanyeol took it well.
The third story is a bit of a mindblower... because they woke up on Sunday! Whoever it was that came and got them apparently knew something about that and ... well, what else happens? How did this happen? Why does this happen? I am guessing they weren't the only ones, it sounded like the whole building was in on it.
Amazing as always!
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