Title: [Not Exactly] A Harlequin Romance
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kris/Chanyeol (mentions of past Kris/Baekhyun)
Word Count: 4550w
Author's Note: originally written for
wufantasticSummary: Kris doesn't do relationships.
Kris met Chanyeol through Baekhyun a few months ago at Baekhyun’s birthday party. )
Comments 7
I could tell Kris liked Chanyeol so much. Chanyeol didn't even flinch lol I like that.
When Chanyeol said 'look at me', I felt like it became romantic somehow. lol.
And I like it even more when Kris really knew what it meant. I was like WOW! They were meant to be. lol.
Thanks for the fiction.
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