Title: Nothing More Than Ordinary Life
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Jongin/Kyungsoo
Length: 23.3k
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys.
Author's Note: This fic was written as a prequel to Baby, We're Just Warming Up, which was because of
midnighttofu @ tumblr's
gorgeous picture.
Summary: Jongin's life is turned upside-down when he finds a stray in an alley
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Also, I think this is like, the fourth or fifth time I'm reading this. I loooves it sooo muuuch. <3
It takes only a moment before he's on his feet and slipping on his shoes and coat.
A thick rush of guilt invades and he walks toward him with a purpose.
Ack, this whole scene with Kai taking Kyungsoo home with him and defenceless and oh so breakable Kyungsoo is. ;_;
And there he is, eyes wide and ears flattened back against his head.
There's no time to brace himself before they push and he lands on the floor with a thud and a curse.
It's cute and Jongin wants to coo and pet him and - wait. Jongin doesn't want to do that.
Doooo it.
"Please don't do this to me," he whines.
Serves you right.
An inquisitive face pops around the corner first and Jongin wants to die from cute overload.
Aaaaw. <3
A soft hiccup cuts the silence and Jongin wants to melt into the floor when he spies the dusting of pink rushing across white cheeks.
He keeps trying to shove Luhan off, but the cat is insistent and when he finally makes it to his feet, the feline is still miraculously attached to him.
He's a brat of a cat and sometimes Jongin likes to imagine a brat-off between Luhan and Sehun. It's a toss-up who would win because they both have so many varying degrees of brattiness.
For a very brief moment he considers taking him to a shelter, but the idea causes his chest to tighten and he dismisses it just as fast.
It's easy to guide him off the couch and lead him into the bedroom, tucking him in properly under the thick comforter and Kyungsoo is asleep before Jongin turns off the light.
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