Beta sign-up - CLOSED

Apr 26, 2014 23:57


If you want to be a beta, please first read the FAQ, check out the schedule, and then sign up leaving a comment here. Note that the bulk of a beta's work will take place towards the end of the Bang and it's possible your author(s) won't send you a draft before August. Sign-ups will be open until Saturday, May 10th, 11.59 pm CET.

Please use the below form for your sign-up. In case you are not comfortable posting your email address here for all to see, leave that field blank and additionally send a copy of your comment to us via said email address.

Have you read the FAQ and schedule?
Username (LJ / Tumblr):
Willing to beta for (Pairings, scenarios, warnings, etc.):
Not willing to beta for (Pairings, scenarios, warnings, etc.):
Specialties (Spelling, grammar, etc.):
Willing to beta for more than one author?
Other comments (Availability, amount of notice needed, etc.):

If you have any questions, please first consult the FAQ and schedule, and, if those can't help you, send us an email at tsnbigbang2012 at gmail dot com, and we'll try to get back to you within 24 hours. Please don't ask questions in comments, as those can be auto-marked as spam and easily overlooked.

You'll receive an email with your assigned author(s) in the days after sign-ups close. If you ever have any problems (establishing contact or interacting with your author, their fic going into a direction you are not comfortable with, etc), don't hesitate to email us. We are here to help, and we'll do everything we can to try and make this new round of the TSN Big Bang a positive experience for everybody.

Have fun, and welcome to Round 5!

betas, admin, round 5, sign-ups

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