fic: you're a dead fit (but my wit won't allow it)

Nov 03, 2013 17:10

Title: you're a dead fit (but my wit won't allow it)
Fandom: The Social Network
Rating: E! There's a smut scene.
Pairing(s): Sean/Eduardo, hinted/implied Chris/Dustin
Warnings: Canon divergent with a few post-divergent things still incorporated. Everyone ends in Palo Alto but there's no Sean Parker at that point so account freezings + dilutions never happen. Smut! General assholery because this is TSN and  some things never change.
Word Count: ~23,150
Summary: Things Eduardo Saverin have learned include: 1) Don't date people who set your apartment on fire. 2) Mark will never have too much caffeine. 3) Don't walk into coffee shops named Latterrific because once you meet the owner, Sean Parker (yes, that one), you can give up on digging him out from under your skin.

On AO3

Art by mesmerized_mia
Art by laenix

length: 20k-30k, type: au, pairing: eduardo/sean, rating: nc-17

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