fic: the heliopause

Oct 23, 2013 01:30

Title: The Heliopause
Fandom: The Social Network
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Christy/Erica, Mark/Eduardo, Sean/Amy
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Alternate Universe
Word Count: 20,600
Summary: TSN Space AU. Christy Lee is the best cadet pilot the Upper Atmos Academy ever taught - or she would have been, had she not killed seven people and been immediately sentenced to life on a Uranian penal colony. At least, it would have been life, had Atmos not found themselves in need of cannon fodder for the fast developing Fuel Wars. Christy, however, has other plans.
Read on AO3

Accompanying Art by speak_me_fair

The Heliopause by princewardo

pairing: eduardo/mark, length: 20k-30k, type: au, rating: nc-17

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