Second check-in - mandatory - closed

Aug 04, 2013 10:23

- This check-in is closed -

Hello authors, this is your second check-in. Unlike the first one, this one is mandatory, which means we need to hear from you, or we'll assume you have dropped out. Still, it's just a check-in, not a draft submission, and all we need is a general heads-up.

Still in?
How is your progress going?
Everything okay with your beta?
Anything we should know?
Express yourself:

This check-in will be open until August 11th, midnight (i.e. from Sunday to Monday) CET, and you can check in at any point until then.

You can of course always contact us at with questions or problems. I'm on vacation right now, so if you leave me a comment or message you might have to wait for a reply until the end of next week, but my co-mods are available.

admin, round 4, check-in, authors

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