First check-in - CLOSED

Jul 07, 2013 23:01

Hi authors, it's already time for your first check-in! Don't panic, it's very simple and low-key, and since it's so soon after sign-ups this check-in isn't even mandatory (though the others will be), but we'd love to hear from you. Let us know how you are doing! This is your chance to tell us if something is bothering you, if we can help you with ( Read more... )

admin, round 4, check-in, authors

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Comments 15

letswritethen July 7 2013, 21:19:21 UTC
Still in? YES!
How far along are you? 20k and just under half way through...
Do you need a beta? nope, my current beta is a life saver :)
Anything we should know? it's possible I won't be able to do the 2nd check in on time until early August but I am still here I swear on everything I love!
Express yourself: I'm so excited!!


rumpledlinen July 7 2013, 21:37:31 UTC
Still in? Absolutely!
How far along are you? I have an outline and about 500 words but I am 100% in!
Do you need a beta? Nope, you guys got me one :)
Anything we should know? I am going to have so much fun writing this!


maybecatie July 7 2013, 21:50:16 UTC
Still in? YEP
How far along are you? About 6k words.
Do you need a beta? Not yet, I'm nowhere even close to beta-ing yet.
Anything we should know? Naw.
Express yourself: so i was considering doing a harvard era fic but instead i’m doing an au fic where eduardo was never ousted and they still work at facebook together and mark has a growing sense of feeling inadequate in his own company and feeling that everyone does the work for him and none of it is his own anymore and him feeling alienated and inadequate (again) and dealing with that feeling ~~~ and it has HEAVY dom/sub themes but it's not really a dom/sub fic, it's more about mark working through these feelings and wanting to BE something and wanting to feel needed and important like he has a purpose and that purpose is serving eduardo~~ it's gon be good

yay motifs


anonymous July 8 2013, 12:22:28 UTC
Still in? Absolutely! :D
How far along are you? 13K and still going strong
Do you need a beta? Nope, all set.
Anything we should know? I'm overseas travelling right now so I'll try to make all the check ins, but lack of internet may mean i'm late or send you guys an early email etc.
Express yourself: I don't know what to write in this situation except that I am soo excited to be part of this and hopefully my work isn't too much worse than everyone else but have pity on me at least, because the standard set by all previous tsn fic is really hard to beat!!


amagiciansgrace July 8 2013, 12:24:37 UTC
whoops I commented on anon, sorry! forgot to log onto the airport computer :// But its me. Hope that still counts as checking in :/


phobiaofshae July 8 2013, 14:29:10 UTC
Still in? Yep!
How far along are you? Ugh, I'm totally floundering. I had 5K before starting bigbang and I think I've only managed about 800 words since. In my defense, I just moved to another country to start grad school, but I am still super behind.
Do you need a beta? Grammar and spelling is going fine but I'm feeling lost on storyline. So no, I guess?
Anything we should know? Grad school thing, I guess! I still have the time to write but it's making me feel a little stressed out. I am not having trouble writing Star Trek fic but I'm struggling on this. :(
Express yourself: I'm pretty sure I'm going to write into my fic that Sean Parker's glasses are fake most of the time even though he wears real ones. The real ones just aren't hip enough.


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