fic: All Our Errors on Repeat

Sep 07, 2011 03:50

Title: All Our Errors on Repeat
Fandom: The Social Network
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Mark/Eduardo
Warnings: Some sexual content.
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Word Count: ~37,000
Summary: After Eduardo signs off on the dilution and walks away from Facebook, Mark gradually realizes that he's stuck in an unstable time loop. Not only does he have to figure out how to stop waking up in his Kirkland dorm room, three years ago, but he has to rebuild Facebook while remembering things that never happened and deal with the fact that Eduardo has known about this all along. Not that it really matters: Eduardo leaves and he leaves and he leaves, every single time.

A/N: Special thanks to becca_radcgg for the beta. Written for the thesocialbbang challenge.

Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five

ETA: anysomething now has the gorgeous art up at her journal! Everyone should absolutely check it out!

length: 30k+, pairing: eduardo/mark, round 2, rating: r

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