fic: with you in any water

Sep 05, 2011 01:12

title: with you in any water
fandom: the social network
rating: r
pairing: mark/eduardo
warnings: language, mental illness, poor writing
word count: 18,529
summary: eduardo is bipolar. mark wants to make things okay.

author's notes: my eternal gratitude and love to abriata for tricking me into this listening to me weep and whine and have multiple nervous breakdowns. thank you for not killing me. i know you really wanted to. and now, a haiku:

thanks to you for not
murdering me in my sleep
i love you always

i would also like to thank oflights for the last minute help and coddling and general awesomeness. i hyperventilated at her and deleted my fic and wept all over her and somehow, she remained unfazed and generally wonderful (except when you advocated my strangulation at alex's hands. shame!)

and of course, i can't leave out my wonderful artists, elipie and suthnoli for taking the time to create me beautiful, wonderful things. make sure to go and worship at their feet!

and now, the rest of the story


[part one] | [part two] | [part three] | [part four] | [part five] | [part six]

[ fanvid] by [elipie]

[fanmix] by [suthnoli]

pairing: eduardo/mark, length: 15k-20k, round 2, rating: r, type: au

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