Feb 25, 2004 20:21
I seem to be gettin in the habit of not updating this...Crap...that's exactly what I set out NOT to do...
Lots of interesting stuff thats happened...the good and the bad...
Lets start...hmmm...with the Coming Home dance. It was quite a bit of fun..danced with quite a few people...some people cliqued...and I got in trouble for freakin with emily..haha im such a BAD boy...yeah right. After the dance Jesse and Andy came over and spent the night...good time. I guess I'll jump a couple of days then...
February 24th, was my birthday...and I must say that I wasn't that excited for my birthday...dont know why, but hey it is only my 15th birthday. Like to thank Liz for sending a Shout out to me in her LJ...your the coolest. I got an array of presents for my birthday...finished off my American Pie collection, got Outkast Linkin Park (Live) and The LostProphets CD's...175$...nice new clothes. One of the best parts of my birthday was when I was coming home from play practice and I got a call from Denver...asking if I wanted to go to U of M-MSU...he actually asked...I WAS FREAKIN ECSTATIC. Even though we did lose...it was quite a fun time. But my birthday is not over because I haven't gotten my presents from Chelsey yet..;-)..
The play...
is interesting...or will be interesting. I really hope it turns out well...to tell you the truth I'm kinda scared for this play, I really don't know what's gonna happen. I'm so glad I've gotten into Drama though...the people in drama are just awesome...makin a lotta new friends...
Speakin of new friends...it was funny today cuzz Justin Hampton was askin me about my whole chelsey-sarah thing that happened at the beginning of the year...I didn't know what to tell him. He keeps tellin me how "I should hit that"...so is steve..thought I'd give him some credit, especially for showin me how to do the "hit that" dance...wow...well I dunno Justin got me thinking...where am I anymore on any romantic level with anyone?
I guess it's not surprising though since girls like Liz laugh when people speak about me hookin up with them :-P (had too liz...
Just found out that this weekend I won't be able to see The Passion of the Christ with the Baptist church..crap...I got play practice from 12-8 or so on Sunday...AHHHHHHHHHH...but we need it! I guess I'll just see it on Friday or something...
Anyway...this weekend looks like all about the play, and I'm prolly gonna go over to Kyle's for a huge AirSoft thing...at least hopefully...
Well I'll try to update before the weekend...
By the way if anyone wants to play god (not you mike!) and hook me up with someone...I'm not stoppin ya..lol...