Aug 10, 2006 13:35
So where were we!! ah yes I had forgoten my camra and I was in borders and I had to go back to Shazzes flat to get it.
So me and shazz left borders and we went to catch the bus, we would have got the bus back to shazzes flat after we got back any way but so we got a all day ticket. so we get back to shazzes flat and I get my camra and put it in my backpack and the gift as well. so we freashen our selfs up a bit more and then go out for a bus back into town. luckly by the time we reach the bus stop theres a bus on its way. so we get the bus back into town and we go to the train stainon on QueenStreet, so we gets the tickets about 12:30ish and get on the train to Stirling. so we are talking on the train again about the ushal stuff and chillin case its been a bit heatic during the morning. the Journy on the train was univentful.
AT Stirling
Ok we arived at stirling about 1:15ish so we were a little early so we desided to have a look round the town to see about places to eat, we seen a few places but we left the desigion to laters, so we got back to the train station about 1:45 and I was getting a bit more exited and a bit more nervose but i camed down a bit. as I was walking back to shazz in the train station I got a call from Rooster shouting down a song I dont want to repeat him and the guys were going to shout it out when I awncerd it only rooster did it, I respect him a bit becase he had the balles to carry on where the others just stayd silent. so it was approching about 2pm and we were standing out at this point.
She Arived
We were wating for sachie and the train station was starting to get a little crowed and well I was hoping nuthing had happend to her, then I saw some one in the crowed moving and it was her. I couldent explain the happyness i felt when I saw her. So we meet, and we all introdused ourselfs to each other. so first off we desided to go and get some luch we had anuther look about and we were allchatting about food lol we were a bit hungry at the time. so we desided to go to the Itain place on the main street and it was quite nice. well we went for the boufet meal and we were all talking about diffrent stuff, i really enjoyed my time there. when we had finished our luch we desided to have a chat so we were talk and Sachie reached down and brought up this bag with a nice Japanese desighn on it and well she had got me a little something, some Japanese Cookes I thought it very nice of her to do so i brought out the Wisky with the scottish flag tyed around it. I can still remember the look on her face when she saw it I think she was really supprised and I was glad she liked it. we chatted a little more and then we deided to take a walk up to Stirling Castle. so we payed the bill and we left.
We walked up to the castle and we talked for a bit when we arived at the castle we took some photos and we deisided to go back becese sachie had already been to the castle and well its expencive to go and see. when we were walking back down we kept on talking for a bit, sachie was wanting to go to Tescos becase she had to arrange a birthday party for two students that she accompaned, so we sugested for her to try some scottish sweets, so we sugested some, and this was about 5:30pm, She had meet up with some of her Students in Tescos and we desided to say our goodbyes and then lealeave.
We dint have a long waite on the train and we were back in hamilton for about 8pm and just Chilled at my house.
that was about it.
I am hoping that I can go over there and meet with her at some point again she is a nice person and would like to get to know her a bit more where she feels a bit more comfterbell.
well hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed the day.