Getting things up to date and moning about some stuff

Jul 25, 2006 12:14

Well yisterday I was at my great ants funral. I was a bit more upset at it than I was hering that she had died. I think that was to be expected since its more real since its kind of the closure, but its still some where in my mind that Im going to see her next time I go viset my great unkle. me and my family were furiose of the farce what happend the minester was getting names wrong and some other things. but at least its as I have sayd its a closure.

well its a week on friday I meet up With Sachie I can't wait but im still that bit nervose I am shure I will be fine.

oh yea I was going to moan about some things, but I can't seem to remember what lol.

oh yea, well on sat night when I was up at my pals party in glasgow, I was talking to my best mate rooster and his Gf lyn, I asked them some time ago if thay could set me up with some one. heres the thing lyn has a friend 19 suposanly quite nice looking, heres the catch, she wants the lass that shes trying to set up with, to do the TXTing thing to get to know oneanuther, but 1 I dont keep cash on the phone that offten the now and two I have tryed that and well it was costly and it blew back in my face, nuthing bad but Im just thinking that if some thing happens and I piss her off I will be forced to change all my phone sim. I sugested to meet up at a nutral place with my pal and his gf but lyn says she wants to do the txt thing.

well the lass is on holiday for two weeks so if I meet some one over the two weeks it should be cool, I would prefer to meet some one more my age shes 19 but I would like to meet some one about my age or a little older. I will have anuther talk to lyn and see about actuly meeting you cant just jude some one txting.

Oh yea, I if any one who knows of a computer program that I can desighn and edit the GUI(Graphical User Interface) of windows I case I want to start doing my own desktop desighns for stuff.
would appresheate it.
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