Dec 11, 2006 13:08
1. If you could, would you be a movie star or a rock star? Which one, and why?
2. Have you ever been in the media (TV, radio, papers)?
3. Do you know anyone who's been on a reality TV show?
4. Have you ever met anyone famous?
5. Who would play you in a movie?
1. A Rock Star Defo, I have some musical tallent, I can play the guitar to a extent and I can sing a bit but music has been a big family Infulance, since my Dad was a extream guitarest before he died and my stepdad was a great bassest, and me and my pals are planning to form a band lol.(not too sure when that Will happen)
2. You are looking well at least reading about some one who formed his high school paper so you could say at least I have been in it from time to time.
3. not realy, I know one of my mums friend is a upcoming acctress.
4. Yup I have shaken hands with Prince Charles when he was Visting Glasgow.
5. Ceano Reaves, In my going out cloths It has been said to me that I look like him from the matrix. (I will post the pic some point soon) :P