May 09, 2004 23:03
so i had a great weekend and ended it with a great mother's day. went to my grandparents house and chilled with the fam...went swimming in the pool...sunbathed...then my mom and i met my sister and her boyfriend in santa barbara for dinner. i love my mom and here are a FEW reasons why (few is emphasized because there are too many to ever write):
She gave birth to me...duh...but she did it naturally, no drugs and i was a HUGE baby...9 pounder!
She's never been too strict...let me make and learn from my mistakes...given me independence.
She loves to blow bubbles :)
She never judges me or makes me feel stupid or inadequate...i can tell her anything...she knows all of my greatest faults and still loves me and respects me.
She laughs REALLY loud!...many people have told me that i have inherited her laugh.
She's open-minded and accepting of people.
She generous and extremely unselfish...that i didn't inherit.
She's always let me be my own person...never tried to mold me into to something i'm not or something she thinks i should be...she let's me be me.
She is incredibly strong and always optimistic.
When she gets mad or frustrated with me she yells "SWEETHEART!..." :)
She is a major goofball!
She called me a bitch once and meant it.
She leaves little notes for me saying "i love you" and "have a good day".
She's ALWAYS there for me, ALWAYS supports me, and NEVER looks down on me.
She's the one person in my life that i can truly 100 percent count on.
i love you mom