Mar 29, 2010 22:46
I haven't updated in ages, but if Xiao is doing it, I'll do it. :D
So, spring break! It was awesome and now it is over. It started with D shipping me (I prefer the phrase "importing") to San Francisco to spend time with him while he was here for work, then out to Tahoe to torture me. And by "torture" I mean "teach to ski". And then the torture. I love skiing now, but I refuse to do it ever again if there is no jacuzzi and white wine at the end of the day. I've been spoiled. Seeing him was great, but makes me miss London madly. I'm reminding myself that I get to spend the summer there, and from there it will only be a few months until I dont have to come back!
Back at the ranch, Vampire Masquerade Ball was fantastic. A few days before, Ceci and I spent a lovely day picking out the boy's costume and getting final bits for our own. Saturday we got dolled up at Casa Stella, then off to Maiden for drinks and the best happy hour menu EVAR, then over to the Melody Ballroom to get things set up. Work was fun, saw lots of people and pretty clothing, listened to good music, and ran into long lost friends (who had better write me. I know the general vicinity of where you live! :D). At the end of the evening, Xiao and I got pictures together, and I'm dying to see how they came out!
So, spring break is over, but the excitement is not! Aerin and her girlfriend and other friends are coming up to Portland tomorrow! And tomorrow is Assemblage 23! So I get Aerin AND stompy music AND Ceci/5 time! Life is good, ya know? Even if I'm only allowed to drink scotch or wine. :P