Courses: August 2024

Aug 24, 2024 16:07

Six courses, which almost clears out my wish list.  I started a few which I then decided really weren't for me and realised that I was going to gain nothing by continuing with them.


Art and the Environment in SE Asia: Environment as Contested Space [National Gallery of Singapore]  I knew nothing about artists from SE Asia and so this course was really interesting, both seeing artists I wouldn't normally come across and looking at how they depicted what was happening in their environment.  Even better, I discovered they have their own online course running for free, so I'm currently taking that.

Early Modern Palaeography [University of Glasgow]  I took this because it provided some background to some of the issues brought up in the course on Stirling and gave the opportunity to look at some of the original documents from the kirk sessions.  It was interesting looking at original handwriting and I found the sessions where Dr Lionel Glassey explained letter formation etc useful, although I have no wish to read old documents.


The Roman Empire: Introducing some key terms
The Body in Antiquity
The last two courses in my summer of Classical studies.  I doubt I shall do anything more

The Meaning of Crime This looked at the definition of crime and then the difference between the numbers of crimes and the perception of the increase in crimes.  It also looked at whether there was an explanation as to why certain people turn to crime.  I don't think I really learnt anything knew.  People are complex and our behaviour is generally influenced by more than one area in our lives.

Beginner's German: Place & People An introductory course just to remind myself of a little German.

I currently have no FutureLearn courses to do - the two on my wish list are unavailable for now.  I'm hopeful that with the autumn about to start there will be something new soon.  In the meantime, following my summer of Classical studies, I'm making the autumn my Italian season, using the OpenLearn courses.  Not that I'm going to Italy in the near future, but it can't hurt to do a bit.  And I'm continuing with the National Gallery of Singapore's understanding art course, which I'm about halfway through.


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