The Friday Five: Positivity

Jun 23, 2024 10:49

This week's The Friday Five questions

1) What's an area where you're not perfect, but trying your best?
Life - I know I'm not perfect, but bear with me, I'm doing my best.

2) Who are you proud of?
The Daughter.  When she left college at 18 she wanted to be a paramedic, but her qualifications (she had a BTEC not A-levels) meant she couldn't get in.  She took a year out and applied for her second choice of paediatric nursing and was accepted by Coventry University.  She qualified with a 2:2 degree and worked both as a paediatric nurse and also got experience as an A&E paed nurse.  Then in 2020 she had the chance of becoming a paramedic in a block release way, so she became an Ambulance Technician, followed by a Student Paramedic and in February she passed her degree course (with a First) and became a Paramedic.  It took 14 years but she accomplished it.

3) What makes you feel appreciated?
Whenever anyone says thank you for something - a ficlet has made them smile, they've liked a card I stitched, an acknowledgement that something I've done has made a difference.

4) What would you like to make more time for?
Crafting, reading, writing, going places, learning more new things - shall I go on?  I'm retired, so theoretically my times my own, but there still isn't enough time.

5) What can you re-arrange?
If I want to do more of one thing I need to cut back on something else I enjoy - I can rearrange the furniture, but it doesn't alter the size of the room (which is set at 24 hours in a day)

friday five

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