13 Mar: Girl Scout Week: Were you ever a Girl Scout or Brownie? What’s your favorite flavor of Girl Scout cookie?
I was both a Brownie and a Girl Guide. The Daughter joined Rainbows age 5, became a Brownie, then a Guide and then an Explorer Scout. While she was a Guide I went to help with the unit, stayed on as leader until work meant I could no longer run the unit. I became Assistant Leader at the Brownie unit instead, helped with the set up for a new Guide unit and when we moved I moved to another Brownie unit. I finished helping there on a weekly basis nearly two years ago, but am now a District Guider so I can still go in and provide additional help if needed.
16 Mar: Quilting Day: Do you quilt? Or own a quilt someone made you?
No, although I have tried a bit under Debris Woman's tutelage. And she made a beautiful quilt for Mini Hobbit.
(Bonus) 19 Mar: Vernal Equinox: How do you celebrate the arrival of spring?
By muttering 'surely it should be warmer by now'.
20 Mar: Bed-in for Peace: When’s the last time you slept late/had a lie-in?
Probably some time last week. I don't normally have a time I have to get up, so lie-in doesn't really apply - it depends what else I'm doing that day, especially as I rarely need to be anywhere before 10am.
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