The Friday Five: Transportation

Jan 12, 2024 16:00

Today's The Friday Five questions:

1. What is your current main mode of transportation? e.g. car, bike, subway, walking, etc.
Car and walking, occasionally bus or train

2. Are you satisfied with your current main mode of transportation (answer to question 1)? Why?
Yes, because I wouldn't be able to get where I want to go otherwise

3. Do you think you'll change your means of transit soon? e.g. buy a car, get rid of your car, walk more etc.? If so, why?
Very unlikely. I walk when I can but generally I want to go more than a mile away

4. If time, distance and money were not factors, how do you prefer to get from point A to point B?
Teleport. I like walking, but for most journeys it would be simpler to just be there without the travel

5. What was your worst transit experience?
Generally travel by train. I like train travel, but the railway companies leave a lot to be desired.  Last time on the way to London, they cancelled the following train and spent the whole time apologising for being crowded, not improved by one-third of the train being reserved for first class.  Coming back they decided to split the train (to make a longer train they join two shorter trains together) about quarter of an hour before it was due to depart and then left everyone hurrying to get on at the far end of the platform. Customer service is non-existent.

friday five

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