so i made it here fine, i didn't get marooned on a tropical island with polar bears. it's around 5:30pm here, and 9:35 in the morning at home. the plane ride was awesome, as far as plane rides go,. we got upgraded to buisness class, so we got a fancy gift bag with earplugs and an eye mask and all sorts of goodies like lotion and lip balm (thank god, since you're no longer allowed to bring lip balm on the plane) and face refreshing spray. all the seats had little televisions in the arm rests that folded out so you could watch movies or play videogames! my mom is so awesome, she was playing zelda every time i looked over. i watched the majority of "a scanner darkly" but i didn't quite follow it completely, i think because i missed a chunk at the beginning. the "vegetarian" meals i got were pretty great as they were mostly vegan, with only a little chunk of cheese that was ealisy removed. i'd stayed up till 5am the night before so i'd be tired enough to sleep on the plane, and my plan went according to...plan. i took tons of pictires out the window, because i've always loved looking at the clouds below and imagining them as a great valley i could run and jump around in. looking at them got the old carebears theme song stuck in my head for a few hours. i want to post some, but i forgot to bring a chord to get the pictures off my digital camera.
so we left vancouver at 5pm, got here at 11am, and then came to the
Scala House. most of the pictures on the page are of our actual flat, i am sitting at the exact table in the top picture typing this on my mum's laptop. my bed has that classy gold bedspread on it, and my bathroom is that lovely auburn tiled thing on the right side of the page. there's a great deck that wraps around the whole flat, and the view is lovely, i can see the london eye out my bedroom window!
so we got here and immediately had to run out to get a tour of
The Slade School of Art, which is only a few blocks away from the flat we're in, and seems like a really great place. on the way there and on the way home we stopped to get food at a planet organic that's a block away! it's so great! there's so much wheat-free and vegan food! i got vegan chocolate chip cookies and amazing fakemeat and soy cheese and soy yogurt and rye bread and i'm so excited to eat it all! anyway, this has been a stupidly long, and boring post, but nothing of paticular amusement has happened yet. hopefully i';ll have some better stories as the trip progresses.