I find that as I grow older, video games become less and less spectacular. Why, in my youth, if a game had a cooperative story mode and great art style, I'd be satisfied. Now, to impress me a game has to have a great art style, original concepts, writing that lack plot holes and inconsistencies, interesting dialogue, etc. Few games measure up to my standards, which is unfortunate. Since my taste has become so picky, I rarely get excited over a video game being in development. Currently Assassin's Creed looks amazing, but aside from that, there hasn't been much.
Until now. The one game that I've been hoping for for over five years is potentially in production. Diablo III. I'm giddy, friends. I can't wait to dive into this game. In fact, I worry that I won't have time to do it. I mean, I played Diablo II during school vacations, so I had all day and night to play it. Now I've got work, sleep, and a lady to give my attention to.
I'm excited. Also: I'm not a jerk. >:(