I am getting older. It's 2012 and I've experienced a lot over the past years but Najihah'11 has agreed that the year 2011 was definitely the year with the most number of different experiences. Plus it was the year of my O' Levels. I still can't believe that after so many years of anticipating it, I have overcome it and face that scary-ass examination.
Okay this may or may not sound dumb but it was just last year when I found out that the O's was not only taken by Singaporeans and the British students.Yeah, I guess you can say that I am not well-read. Since I'm older, (and supposedly more mature) I'm going to change a few things about me. That includes being a better person and not giving up till the end. My O level results was really an eye-opener.
No one expected me to do that well. Neither did I. To be honest, my grades weren't astonishingly good but I learnt a few things about myself. Apparently the more I study for that subject, the worse I got. HAHAHA okay I was kidding. But that did reflect in my grades. Let me explain.
My parents got me a science tutor for my Chem & Physics and my grades haven't been showing since Sec 3, I must admit. I was lazy in sec 3, it was by far my worst year in academics. I just couldn't give a damn, I was not awakened by the reality. In mid sec 4 (2011), my parents decided to send me to a class tuition for chemistry only since I was doing worse for that than physics. For some reason, even when I prefer chem to physics, I still do physics better. I don't know why.
After giving that science class a chance, I really did improve in chem. I loved chemistry. I could ace all the test papers and mock papers my school and my tuition centre gave. I was amazed. I really thought I could get A1. By then, I kinda neglected physics.
"Forget Physics and focus on getting an A1 for Chemistry. If I got a C5 for Physics, I'm happy."
That was what I said. Guess what I got instead? Chemistry, C5 & Physics, B3. Yeah sure, my physics wasn't an A but I was still thankful. I was surprised. I was kjgafshfgajnkjadbvfakjfnoakgnhakorndkjabfjfnvakjfnakjndfjkcdjfnbadkjnf happy for myself. And proud.
Unfortunately, my form teacher didn't congratulate me. When she passed me the result slip, she just said "You could have done better." I wasn't thinking straight then but now that I recall, I would pretty darn upset for the whole day cause she wasn't even happy for me. Oh yeah, I got a B3 for English which was another unexpected grade. Yeah sure, I'm one of those expected ones to get good grades for English but I really felt that I screwed up for all three components. My compo has always been horrible, retarded and immature and for O's, I even wrote about my favourite kpop boy group 2PM. Maybe they were looking for an original compo writing and mine was it. Srsly, who would mention their kpop idols in their national exam?! I was only confident about my situational writing. Even when I was confident about doing my oral, I thought I screwed up my picture conversation and a bit of the conversation. Yeah and for my comprehension, I really thought I was a goner by then. By the way, my form teacher was also my English teacher. i thought she would be happy. :/
My math is something I can be proud of. E Math, A2 and A Math, B3. I was hoping for an A1 for Emath but it's okay. It was a super easy paper so all those smarty pants could have gotten full marks for it so, I was happy to get an A2 but A MATH?! Wow. I'm not bragging but I've been failing or getting a border line pass throughout sec 3 and sec 4! Even till the end! Till prelims etc. My math tutor is really good too, I have to give credit for that. He never gave up on me even when he didn't see me doing so well for my school papers.
I'm really thankful to my tutors. They've all made a success. :) I have to thank my family members (all of them) for the encouragement even when you don't show it that much. I'm happy that you're happy with my results. MUACKS. :D
Anyway, I got into Aerospace Electronics in NP. Let's hope for the best.
Yeah, last year I got to travel around Europe and it was THEE best. I managed to move on from this boy that left me heartbroken and stuff which was a relief. I swear, I really felt a heavy weight being lift off me. Couldn't be happier. And Europe is the best experience by far. I really want to continue to travel to places whether or not I'll be the one flying myself there or not. *hinthint
Just don't give up. Give in you all before you regret. I regret not doing better for chem. I think I was too over confident when I was scoring well all of a sudden, I don't know. I just hope success will keep coming my way, InsyaAllah.
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