Slayers Again: Week 28 - Discussion

Feb 20, 2010 10:48

Welcome to week 28, all!

This week, we're discussing Lost Universe episode 14-17 and viewing episodes 18-21.

Now that the main story line has kicked in, there's plenty to discuss!


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berzerker_prime February 20 2010, 16:50:08 UTC
Episode 14
In a state of severe angst, Kain partners up with an old friend who has a serious case of PTSD. It is unclear if Kain is attempting to push himself or convince himself that he isn't like Atlas. It is pretty clear, though, that helping Atlas is really an excuse more than a reason.

It's also interesting that Kain chooses to leave behind Milly and Canal at the beginning of the adventure. It is as if he is attempting to distance himself from what is coming. It's only after he acknowledges his fear that he brings them back in on the action.

"I can see clearly now! The fog is gone!"
"We gotta get out of this place!"
Begin the trend of the ADV writers thinking that quoting song lyrics = funny. Ugh...

Episode 15
Roy Glenn is back again and Kali is rearing her bounty hunter head, and this time they're working together. Bad news. Nightmare is after the matter transporter that can break through the psycho-barrier. We don't really know why, but we can surmise that it has something to do with an attempt to defeat Swordbreaker.

We get to see what happens when that amount of mental energy is used. Roy Glenn thinks nothing of killing a person outright just to inflict damage on Swordbreaker.

Canal Virus = cutest virus evar! Could this be considered breaking a portion of herself off into another being? In that way, this smacks very heavily of what we know of the Gods from the Red World.

Episode 16
Kain and Canal are clearly concerned with what is upcoming and they wish to spare Milly the danger. They speak of her not being around as if it is a foregone conclusion, something unavoidable. But it is also very clear that neither one of them is happy about not having her around. Milly, too, is in terrible shape without Kain and Canal. As the world around them conspires to make their lives apart miserable, it becomes very obvious that they're supposed act on this nebulous threat together; destiny once again rears its head.

And what's this? Rail's a traitor!?! Oh noes!

Episode 17
Enter another lost ship, even as the Universal Guardians investigate Rail. The Swordbreaker arrives on the scene to learn more.

Milly remains clueless about what the upcoming battle really entails, but really, so do we at this point so we can hardly blame her. There's quite a bit of plotting, scheming, and dodging of the truth in this episode which leaves us a confused as Nina is for quite a while. This episode really tends to raise more questions than it answers and that is clearly its purpose. Rail clearly knows more about what's going on than his attitude up until now has led us to believe. Presumably, he is using Kain for some reason.

Ragould Mazeges. Another of Dark Star's lost ships who happens to be named the same as one of the weapons of light. Hmm. And he's a match and more for Swordbreaker. And even more like the Mazoku of the Red World, he seems to get abject pleasure from pain and suffering.

This episode also marks the point where the animation starts to get increasingly dodgy. In many ways, this series is a freakish mismatch between old skool cell animation and new computer animation. It's pretty obvious that they hadn't quite figured out all the techniques yet.

"Grandma said there'd be days like these!" Dammit! Stop that crap!


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