Aug 21, 2006 22:53
Congrats to all of you who started college and are having a wonderful time. Tomrrow I have to go enroll in classes, which is basically a fight to the death with 1500 other students to get the courses and times that I want. here is my tentative schedule:
Math 112 - Calculus II, 8-8:50am
French 209 - Intermediate Composition and Conversation, 10:10-11am
Chem 215 - Honors General and Inorganic Chemistry, 11:15-12:05pm
Chemistry lab, 1:25-4:25pm
Art 121 - Introductory Painting, 8-11am
Writing Seminar (I got 5 choices to vote for, I'll only see which one I get on Wednesday night. 1st Choice: witches and wizards. 2nd choice: fairy tales), 2:55-4:10pm
Math 112 - Calculus II, 8-8:50am
French 209 - Intermediate Composition and Conversation, 10:10-11am
Chem 215 - Honors General and Inorganic Chemistry, 11:15-12:05pm
Art 121 - Introductory Painting, 8-11am
Writing Seminar 2:55-4:10pm
Math 112 - Calculus II, 8-8:50am
French 209 - Intermediate Composition and Conversation, 10:10-11am
Chem 215 - Honors General and Inorganic Chemistry, 11:15-12:05pm
P Ed 146 - Swing Dance I, 3:45-5:15pm