i will say it yet again, practice what you fucking preach. i am so sick of people saying one thing, & doing another. your actions should reflect your words. if you say you are not racist, you should not use the word nigger. there is truth in everything everyone says whether you want to believe that or not. the same goes for being fake. everyone says shit about everyone. it is a sad truth about todays generation. we all obsess over everyone elses lives that maybe we forget to focus on our own. you say that i'm fake and that i say shit about everyone behind their back & then i put on this front that i am the nicest person in the world. but the difference between you & me. i will own up to everything i have ever said about any of you. ask me. i'll admit it. there's not point in going through life miserable with friends that hate you. there's always going to be people who judge you, belittle you, & are jealous of you. you're always going to be talked about, good or bad. if it's a personality flaw in someone that you don't like or agree with, make new friends. if it's something that someone does that pisses you off, tell them. stand up for what you believe in. i don't see how the two people that were supposed to be my best friends stood in a circle with me & let everyone else there attack me & my good friend. how am i supposed to call you my friend if you don't care enough to atleast tell someone to shut the hell up? if you are my best friend i'll defend you til i am blue in the face. even if i know that you're wrong! it's common decency of a friend. if you care enough for me to be in your life don't let me walk away. i know that i am better than this petty drama that you all continue to throw at me. i'm sorry you're jealous that i am prettier, more successful, stronger, and more fabulous than any of you. & i'm sorry that i put myself & my feelings before everyone else. you've got to love yourself more than anyone else, because in the end, you're all you've got. i am not stupid, i am not going to surround myself with a bunch of people who hate me. & you know what, it's hilarious to me that none of you could say any of this to my face cause you're a fucking coward. cause i'll call you out on your bullshit. because YOU ALL KNOW I AM RIGHT. yeah shove that up you're ass. fuck, it'll get lonely at the top, but atleast i am at the top & not fucking worthless-going-no-where-trash.