Fanwriter-tan's Anime Blog - Season 3, Episode 44

Apr 18, 2011 02:02

Only a few episodes later? Well, yes, but I did want to cover this. ^^;


I must thank my commenters for their highly amusing pile of links that they held back on sharing until I was nearly caught up. I consider myself nearly caught up, and therefore have a large queue of fanworks to plow through. They'll have to wait, though -- I need to watch more! Episode 47 of season 3 just aired, and today I'm covering episode 44 of the same season. I can just taste the ability to watch the finale live! much as one can taste that sort of thing.

How did I get convinced to give this show a try?

Last time, after feeling chaos from some disaster, Low Key got his boots back and his power back, and he left while convincing Serenity that their captain might be him in disguise, something that was quickly sorted out. Meanwhile, the Convoy sped to Hegua Lake and the southeastern corner of the Badlands, only to find that that was the disaster: the whole area had blown up. Their luck gave out and they weren't able to do the impossible after all. Those of you who were over when I was writing up episode 43's post may recall this as the time that I sat and gaped at my computer screen for fifteen minutes straight before actually forcing myself to finish.

Episode 44: Because We Are Who We Are



It might not have... it might be... d-do you think it could have...? M-maybe..."

"I don't think so. They said hundreds of miles has gone. The whole basin is just... clouds now."

Fridge Horror hits hard as the show reminds us that Lea and Isa lived on that lake. If that's why they devoted that chunk of episode 28 to a flashback to their town and how they left without saying a proper goodbye... *sniff* Dear writing staff: you are horribly cruel people.

"Sometimes..." Prime replied slowly, measuring his words. "Sometimes...there isn't a way. But that doesn't mean that you should give up before you begin. The only way to find out if something is impossible or only seems impossible is to try anyway, with all you've got. I'd say a hero does everything they can, no matter how impossible they think it is."

And yet...this time, it had been impossible. Even the planes would not have reached the lake in time -- they couldn't have carried enough fuel. And sending a strike force from Licere would have been suicide. He knew how tough those satyrs were. He simply didn't have the manpower to divide his forces like that.

The Convoy angsts over their failure. At least they acknowledge that they saved the rest of the world, but on the other hand, you can't just blow off all those people dying, and they don't. There's only one thing to do this Amicus... try not to let it happen again.

Lord, what a day. No, make that a week. Scratch that, make that a month... months... no, his string of bad luck had been going on for years. Mal sighed as he walked back to his ship. While arrangements had been made, there was still some time left before he had to face the music. Just what would he do to fill the time?

Someone's not happy. Okay, nobody's happy. Serenity lands in Bydan and prepares to have to face the Denouement scientists they ripped off. The story's all set: they were "ambushed" by the Convoy, whom they'll paint as a group of mercenaries looking for an easy target, and the cargo was stolen. Easy as anything. ...not that anything at all is ever easy when Serenity's concerned.

Casting about for emotions, Deanna knew that Ari was there long before actually setting eyes on her. She smirked when she felt it. Until that moment, she'd had her doubts that Ari would show up. Deanna was very, very well aware that the good doctor did not trust her at all, and that was fine. Wise people never did.

And Ari was very smart, which is why she'd asked for her assistance in the first place. Deanna did not like depending on others for help- she preferred to have a much more hands-on approach to her work, and assistants only ever tended to get in the way. But had little choice at the moment, and she knew it.

Coming up behind Ari, she almost looked as though she was going to put a friendly hand on her shoulder, but she veered at the last moment, and took the seat across from her. "Dear Ariane... how nice."

The Creeper Crew: Middle-Aged Women Edition meets. I'm getting flashbacks to Gin and Aizen from season two, although here it's not so much a case of a trollish subordinate rebelling where he can while still doing just as much evil as his master does. Here it's a case of two equally powerful (though in their own ways) and equally important people playing around in one another's spheres of influence. The game of one-upmanship is still there, as is the tense collaboration, but the reasons behind them seem different.

"Bullets were useless against him," he began, his voice shaky.

It was late at night, and his gun lay abandoned on the bridge, empty and useless while Bradley loomed only a few steps ahead of him. Running was useless and a fight was hopeless. However, Edgeworth couldn't just give up. The cold autumn air bit against his skin as he drew his saber and awaited Bradley's strike.

"And he was faster than anyone I had ever seen-"

A flashback conversation shows how Bradley managed to overpower Edgeworth, and it's terrifying. We've never actually seen Bradley fight before this -- the closest was seeing the aftermath a few times. Him turning out to be an enemy and turning out to be the Implacable Man is more than a little disconcerting, even for a hotblooded shounen anime (which this show only fits the profile of half the time, anyway).

Also, Hisoka's eyes glow when he wants to give someone else his strength. What is it with this show and people with creepy eyes? We've got him, everyone with eyepatches, Kaoru with the permanent dilation or whatever is up with her eyeballs... okay, Rikku has weird-looking eyes and they're only ever portrayed as pretty or cute, but everyone else is just plain scary. Oh, and speaking of ship-punching girl...

"We have a use for your ...unique abilities. You are to report for testing, and we'll brief you further from there."

"Tch. Fine. Where should I head to?"

"Luckily for you, we have some operatives near your current location. We'll send you their coordinates as soon as we receive word back from them. Oh, and one more thing: I suggest that you don't dawdle. Your little friends are in enough trouble as it is."

Her owners want her back. One, I'd say that I called her being evil, but it was the most obvious thing in the world. Two, I can't help but notice that the scientists threatened the crew after she agreed to go. I know the kid hates orders, but you'd think that would be unnecessary. Three, looks like Serenity's in trouble. Again.

Next episode: The Convoy gets drunk, the Amestris gets political, and Serenity gets even.
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