A meeting with a wolf.

Sep 07, 2008 22:40

Characters: Wolf & Sophie (Closed)
Content: Surprise!meeting and perhaps some flailing
Setting: The passenger lounge of the Winding Way
Time: Late morning
Warnings: None really

Don't mind the lump in his trousers. It's just his tail. )

sophie hatter, ≠ wolf

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madhattersophie September 8 2008, 05:45:07 UTC
Sophie was, plain and simply, hiding. She'd retreated to the passenger lounge with a book she must have read half a dozen times already, all to avoid running into Watanuki, on the warpath for his frying pan, at all costs.

Movement cause her to look up. "Hello?" Not a familiar face. "Are you looking for something?" Sophie asked politely.


huffpuff_wolfie September 8 2008, 05:52:48 UTC
"Oh! Why yes, I am." A young girl; how convenient. "I was told to wait in the passenger lounge. Would this be the right place?" Wolf tried not to smile too broadly or with too much enthusiasm lest he scare her so soon. It was a bad habit of his.


madhattersophie September 8 2008, 05:57:54 UTC
"Yes, this is it." Sophie waved him in with a friendly smile. "Are you doing business with the captain or..?" Sophie trailed off, curious about this new face.


huffpuff_wolfie September 8 2008, 06:11:35 UTC
"Wonderful!" Wolf let himself in, closing the door behind him and settled himself down on a rather fluffy-looking loveseat, setting his bag down on the floor. "Actually, I'm uh... looking to join the crew."

Getting a better look at the girl, Wolf could immediately sense that there was so much more to her than she projected. Though her clothes were plain they were very much superficial things. Such things were invisible to Wolf. He always saw past outer appearances. That being said Wolf was intrigued by her.

"Surely such a lady as you wouldn't be a crew member on this vessel. You must be a lavish passenger, making her way to some exotic getaway."


madhattersophie September 8 2008, 06:22:17 UTC
"Me? Ah, no," Sophie shook her head emphatically. "No, I'm just the one who makes the costumes, does the odd jobs." Her, a passenger? Someplace exotic? No chance.

Curling her feet underneath her in the chair, Sophie set her book aside, deciding the new person was more interesting than an old book. "What position do you hope to have here, Mister...?"


huffpuff_wolfie September 8 2008, 06:30:58 UTC
"Oh, uh, Wolf! Just Wolf."

Shifting on the small sofa so that he was leaned very slightly in the girl's direction, Wolf grinned with almost childlike eagerness. "I hope to be a cook. You see, I live for food. I guess you could call it a passion. Sometimes I catch myself daydreaming about it. Silly I know, but ohhh, I just can't help it!" Stopping himself, he realized how oddly he might be sounding so he decided to change the subject.

"And who might you be, with such deceptive charm?"


madhattersophie September 8 2008, 06:41:50 UTC
A cook? Possible defense against the one currently out to get her (or at least her makeshift weapon)!

Sophie was certain she was blushing. The way he kept complimenting her was flustering her just a bit. "I'm Sophie, Sophie Hatter."

"You must be very good at cooking then," she commented, recognizing a fellow enthusiast, even if it was in a different field. "Since you like it so much. I must confess, I only ever decent at it. Martha's the cook in the family," she added.


huffpuff_wolfie September 8 2008, 15:45:39 UTC
Wolf smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "Well, I like to think that I am, though I have to admit that getting to eat afterwards is by far the best part of cooking." He paused for a moment and gave a half-smirk, "Although I also have to admit that I've been poisoned enough times by those who also loved to cook. At least you're aware of your level of ability. I think that's more important than trying to be good at everything. Besides," his face softened. "I'm sure there are MANY other things that you excel at!" He made an over-exaggerated gesture as if to express the vast pool of talent Sophie must possess.


madhattersophie September 8 2008, 16:48:05 UTC
"I don't think I've ever messed up my cooking that badly. But then," Sophie smiled, "I suppose it's rather hard to mess up things like bacon and eggs on toast."

"I'm alright with a needle and thread." She gave a little shrug, indicating that she didn't think too much of her skill in this either. "And at making hats, of course."

She smiled. "But I think the best part is that people get to enjoy all those things, even if they can't make them themselves, yes?"


huffpuff_wolfie September 9 2008, 02:21:32 UTC
"Oh most certainly! I've seen photographs from some of the plays put on by this crew and I must say I was rather impressed by the craftsmanship put into it... the costumes for instance. Am I correct in assuming that those were your doing?" Wolf was flattering her on purpose now, but he was still quite convincing with his sincerity.


madhattersophie September 9 2008, 02:30:04 UTC
"I just try and live up to the standards around here." Sophie said humbly. But she was pleased, which her somewhat embarrassed smile clearly showed. "But yes, those were my doing for the most part."


huffpuff_wolfie September 9 2008, 03:48:17 UTC
"That's FANTASTIC! You know, I was rather hoping that I'd get the chance to do a show with this crew. But now that I know who the costumer is it's almost irresistible!" Wolf bit onto the tip of his thumb in a flirtatious fashion, grinning coquettishly. He would have admitted that he was going over the top a bit with his flattery but seeing peoples' responses was his favorite part of the act. It was a bad habit.


madhattersophie September 9 2008, 03:59:57 UTC
Sophie jumped a little at his raised voice. "I-I'm sure if you just asked the captain, he'd be glad to put you in a show. There's always a role for someone who wants to act." His manner was beginning to fluster her, just a little.


huffpuff_wolfie September 9 2008, 04:28:41 UTC
Sensing her discomfort, Wolf silently scolded himself for his manner and had to force himself to tone his voice down. "Oh, of course. I'll have to mention that when I meet with him today."

He HAD to calm down! He'd never get a position on this ship if everyone thought he was psychotic. His tail (which he had forgotten about for the moment) fwapped in frustration at himself, causing the back of his coat to look like there was something living underneath it.


madhattersophie September 9 2008, 04:35:24 UTC
Sophie was startled to her feet by the movement. "Oh no! You didn't sit on one of the kittens, did you?" She questioned, quite concerned and coming over to investigate. They get everywhere, the...dears."


huffpuff_wolfie September 9 2008, 04:52:19 UTC
Brows furrowing in confusion at the mention of kittens, it took Wolf a moment to understand what Sophie was referring to. When it hit him he gasped and his eyes darted around, thinking of a way to cover it up.

"Uhh... no, I-..."

Oh cripes! Nothing was coming to him.

Wolf scooted forward a bit and looked behind himself, pretending to search for any trace of a kitten. "Oh, perhaps I almost did." He quickly stood from the loveseat and tried to brush it off. "Well! He seems to have run off when I moved. I'm sure he's fine." He waved a hand in dismissal.


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