Watches in the Night [OPEN]

Sep 06, 2008 17:16

Characters: Beat, anyone else that shows up
Content: Beat trys to keep himself busy during overnight lookout
Setting: Deck of the 4423, Trewe
Time: Late night, first day in Trewe
Warnings: Beat trying to sing

Beat was slowly starting to enjoy lookout duty. It had started as an easy job for the injured powder monkey, and slowly grew into a job he requested more often then not. There just wasn;t much for him to do when they weren't in battle, and he hated not doing SOMETHING. And lookout duty was nice and quiet. Sure, it could get really boring sometimes, but it gave him a chance to unwind his brain, look a the day with SOMETHING akin to objectivity. As much as he could manage anyway.

Tonight was a little different then most though, because Beat had something to play with. Kambei had suggested he find honest work to help the ship, and he had done so. Physical labor was easy, and he was good at it. He had managed to make a little money, but his current amusement wasn't monetary. One of the people he had worked for was an older woman, who didn't have any way to pay him outside trade, and he had ended up walking away with a battered old guitar.
Now Beat had no musical talent, or any idea how to use the bloody thing. He had assumed he could give it to someone else on the ship. But he had never gotten around to it, and as now playing with it. He liked the noise it made when he just strummed all the strings at once, and though his fingers would never be clever enough to play the thing correct, he did manage a beat.

He sung softly, and without much talent, but it kept the dark a little more friendly at least.

≠ mao, daisukenojo "beat" bito, reno harkin, ≠ vaan asterben, penelo galbana

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