Scarecrow and Fungus, they ran through a stoplight [Open]

Aug 11, 2008 15:24

Characters: Winry and anyone who comes along.
Content: Winry is scoping the town of Berum, visiting several of its Guild Halls to see what she can learn in order to help the Elrics.
Setting: Outside a Berum Guild Hall
Time: Early today, before the play.
Warnings: mmm. None. Win might be a wee bit irritable and clammy but nothing too serious xD

This was about the fourth place she had been sent too. Fourth guild, that is. Winry had gotten up quite early today so that she would have all the time she needed to do her investigations and research but it seemed like she was going to be turning up empty. Berum's network of magical scholars was quite impressive, but either one guild had no clue what could be done about her situation, or one didn't want to help.

She could understand to some degree, but that didn't mean she could be happy about it.

Right now she was in quite a heated debate about the ethics of what her nameless 'friends' had done, and whether or not they deserved their 'punishment'. It was starting to create a little bit of a scene too; the man who had come out to see her and answer her questions was standing with her right at the threshold of the guild he commanded, and while their voices were low no one could mistake the hostile look they were giving each other, and the urgency of their whispers.

Most were passing by, keeping their heads down. Who know what on earth the two were arguing about but it was pretty obvious it was something very important, and something they probably shouldn't be sticking their noses in.

It was getting increasingly difficult for Winry not to take a wrench to this guy's head---he was being pretty patient considering the situation but the Elrics were a soft spot for her, and she just didn't like anyone mouthing them off in the slightest. In the end, he reluctantly agreed to see if another higher up guild would help.

Winry had to bite back a sigh--that just meant she would be sent somewhere else. But at least it was something. "Thank you." she said quietly, and patiently leaned again the wall as he went in to fetch the information he had promised.

≠ shimada kambei, ≠ winry rockbell

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