Boyfriend is so worried about you, Girlfriend [Closed]

Nov 05, 2007 16:21

Characters: Sync, Arietta
Content: Sync returns a few days late after reuniting with his twin, and Arietta is beside herself with worry. Emo ensues.
Setting: On deck of the Saevio.
Time: Emo o'clock. Late at night when shotas and lolis should be sleeping.

Sync still hadn't come back yet. He said he would. He wouldn't lie to her, would he? She had reread the short conversation they had had on the network when he left, thinking over the things he had said and the things she had said (as well as the things she hadn't said). Why wouldn't he tell her where he was going? She wanted to know, that was all. She just wanted to know where he was. Was that wrong?

Now she was distressed. The ship was supposed to leave the next morning and Sync still wasn't back. They couldn't leave without him; they couldn't! But Arietta knew they were on a schedule, and Selena intimidated her too much to ask to wait for him...

That was why she was up now, so late at night. How could she sleep knowing that he was still somewhere out there? Sync was the only person in the whole world she had left. He was the only person who had ever seen her mommy, and the only person he cared about. Arietta didn't know what she would do if he didn't come back. And so, she waited.

thread, ≠ synchron fon elemni, ≠ the saevio, ≠ arietta

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