Characters: Anyone and everyone from all three ships.
Content: The clouds are gone, revealing the long-sought world below.
Setting: The edge of the continent, near the blast site.
Time: After all the monsters have been fought and the ships head southeast.
Warnings: What you bring with you.
A hundred thousand things to see )
Normally there would be no contest, but that pawn was a critical part of his defense. With it out of the way, his front line would be unpleasantly vulnerable to attack.
"I must say, old friend, it's good to see that you made it through the chaos in one piece," he said, making idle smalltalk as he considered. "I would have so missed these games."
Deciding that the knight was worth less than the tactical position afforded by that pawn, he reluctantly moved his knight forward and to the right, blocking the path of the rook that was threatening his king.
[ooc: This thread is specifically for Iroh, but anyone who wants to do something else with Grumman can just reply to it!]
He moved his hand almost in unison with his old friend, placing the day lily tile at an intersection and effectively blocking the harmony Grumman had been going for, while also bolstering one of his own. Satisfied, his eyes moved back to the chess board. "I am not surprised to see you remain unscathed, of course," he added with another chuckle. "You were always quite good at that."
"You know me, old friend, I'm a cockroach!" Grumman said with a genial smile. "I'm not going to die until I'm good and ready."
"Neither will I, I hope. We're both incredibly stubborn, after all," he chuckled.
"Very true, very true. Although," he said, a little smugly, "I'm rather closer to being good and ready now than I was a week ago. Unless you decide to make a surprise return to the service, there's nobody sitting between me and Bradley's old job."
Choosing to work with the disharmony Grumman had just instigated rather than against it, he placed the cup tile on a diagonal from the tile his opponent had just added, effectively neutralizing that disharmony from hindering his own progress.
"And I have... other matters of my own to attend to." He winked knowingly.
"You're sure you're done with the military life?" he asked. "I know I could be shooting myself in the foot, here, but who knows what might be lurking in that new world below us. Doesn't the thought of a proper campaign warm your blood again?"
Noting the presence of Grumman's queen, Iroh elected to leave the rook where it was for the moment, safe and protected by one of his bishops, and moved his knight in to claim a pawn on the vestiges of the board.
Grumman had been hoping Iroh would do something like that. He moved his bishop forward, placing Iroh in check while putting his pieces in absolutely no further danger.
Looking over the Pai Sho board, Iroh's mischievous little grin only widened. Grumman had reacted just as he'd hoped. He placed the white lotus tile close to the center of the board, knowing that the unique properties of the piece would drastically change the dynamics of all harmonies it effected. Which, in this case, only augmented his own.
This was why he couldn't get his head around Pai Sho. It was a game that punished aggressive play and encouraged passivity. Grumman was good at waiting, but only on a 'for the right moment to strike' basis.
There wasn't much he could do about that lotus tile. Accepting the loss of position, he instead placed a jasmine tile next to one of his Lilies, creating a new harmony.
He castled the king.
The chess game was largely a formality for him, anyway. Grumman almost always won.
"Of course, of course," Grumman said, allowing Iroh to get away with his mistake without further remark.
"So, my friend: will be heading down to this new world below, or will you stay?"
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