Rivals [Complete]

Jul 12, 2008 08:12

Characters: Sonic, Knuckles, and whoever else wishes to watch and/or make some commentary
Content: Sonic gets on the 4423, Knuckles gets agitated, and a fight's probably going to happen.
Setting: The deck of the 4423
Time: Not long after Sonic accepts Knuckles challenge. Sometime in the day closer to sunset. After this.
Warnings: Furry violence. ( Read more... )

≠ knuckles guardian, ≠ sonic the hedgehog

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blue_tornado July 12 2008, 19:45:09 UTC
Sonic was probably getting a name for causing trouble. There was the running around the ship at high speeds and crashing into people and things, the trip to the Thieves' Guild, getting into arguments with crewmembers of other ships... And sneaking around when he shouldn't.

It was convenient that all three ships were docked in Kropmork, but it also might have been a bad thing. Although, what was going on right now was that banquet the Captain talked about, right? That means there'd hardly be anyone around!

It hadn't taken long for Sonic to find the 4423, considering it was right at the docks. He grinned, seeing the ship and speeding towards it, leaping aboard and looking around. He had crouched low, making sure he hadn't caused a ruckus or something of the sort... His boots tended to make more noise than necessary.

Deciding he'd wasted enough time, the hedgehog began to walk around on the deck, "Yooo, Knuckles! Where are ya?" Sonic didn't know what his opponent looked like. He could only guess the guy was tough looking, but also not all that smart, considering their conversation earlier. This wouldn't be a problem, Sonic had taken big guys before, why stop now?


knuxguardian July 13 2008, 00:06:06 UTC
At the sound of the call, Knuckles opened one of his eyes and lifted his head just a little bit, so that he could see who was calling him from underneath his hat. After all, being new and less than excited to meet the crew, few people would know of his name and would be willing to look for him. It had to be him.

Needless to say, Knuckles was shocked. Nevermind the sudden gasp and the look of surprise on his face. The challenger was a young man, as expected, and looked far less stronger than him and just as stupid. However, he was shorted, blue, and a demihuman such as himself. Had a there been a few changes in his anatomy, Knuckles would have mistaken him for an echidna. Luckily, Knuckles knew better than that.

He quickly moved to his feet and stepped forward at new arrival.

"So, you're Sonic!" He said to the hedgehog. Considering he was a demihuman, he'd have to be careful. Then again, he didn't look like much of a challenge. "You actually had the guts to show up."


blue_tornado July 13 2008, 00:09:16 UTC
Sonic saw Knuckles and immediately tilted his head to the side. Just what the heck was this guy anyway? He kinda looked like a hedgehog... Except he had big red dreads hanging down his head!

That hat was pretty cool... But Sonic's eyes caught glimpse of the enormous fists of his opponent. This guy looked pretty strong.

"Yeah okay but.. What the heck are you?" The blue hedgehog asked, reaching forward to pull on one of the dreads, "You look like you're wearing an octopus on your head!"


knuxguardian July 13 2008, 02:51:29 UTC
Without any expectation, the blue boy was tugging at one of Knuckles's dreads before Knuckles could protest. What was up with this guy?

"What the hell are you doing?! Get off!" Knuckles exclaimed, moving a palm forward to push the boy off of him with one of his mighty hands. "You're just asking for it! I'm an echidna. What are you supposed to be?"

Knuckles took a good look at his opponent. There was no way that he could overpower him. Beating this kid would be easy. In fact, it would be so easy, Knuckles would've felt remorse had Sonic not insulted him so many times. Oh well, payback was payback after all.


blue_tornado July 13 2008, 02:53:41 UTC
Sonic grinned when Knuckles pushed him off. "An Echidna? That's a weird thing to be. I'm a hedgehog! The coolest animal out there!"

In all honesty, Sonic was happy to find yet another animal person like himself, even if they weren't part of the same crew. He took a few steps back and got into a defensive position, rubbing just under his nose.

"We gonna do this? Come on!"


knuxguardian July 13 2008, 03:00:21 UTC
Knuckles smirked at the claim. Yeah, right. He quickly changed his expression to a more serious one, because there was no way this guy could put a good fight if he wanted.

"Heh, now you're talking. We'll see how cool any of you hedgehogs are when I'm through with you!" Knuckles said, sprinting towards Sonic with a readying punch at hand.


blue_tornado July 13 2008, 03:06:51 UTC
Sonic saw the punch coming at him. Too easy! In a flash, the blue hedgehog had zipped out of the way, standing several feet behind Knuckles, "Yoohoo~! Over here! You missed me!"

This was always an advantage on Sonic's part- If he didn't have the strength for something, he had the speed for it. Utilizing his speed in battle would be really important if he didn't want to get hurt.


knuxguardian July 13 2008, 03:16:51 UTC
That... was definitely unexpected. He turned his head to face the blue hedgehog and see him taunt him with his childish antics. He'd have to actually work for this victory.

Knuckles pushed forward to get closer to Sonic and punch him a second time. If one punch didn't work, he'll just have to try another, and maybe another if necessary.


blue_tornado July 13 2008, 03:19:00 UTC
Sonic bent backwards, dodging out of the way of the punch, then rolled to the right, dodging again. This guy was pretty fun! Of course, this was a fight, so he couldn't just keep evading all the attacks. Rolling back over, the hedgehog attempted a kick to trip the Echidna onto his rump.


knuxguardian July 13 2008, 03:35:39 UTC
Knuckles kept on punching as long as he could, but Sonic just kept on dodging. With every missed attack, Knuckles became more and more frustrated. However, in his agitated state, he forgot to anticipate attacks and was wide open to Sonic's kick.

He had no choice but to take a quick step back and braced himself for impact, using all his strength to take the kick and stay standing. This was gonna leave a few bruises, but there's no way he was going to back down so easily!


blue_tornado July 13 2008, 03:52:05 UTC
Sonic managed to kick Knuckles, but he didn't fall over! So it hurt the hedgehog's foot a bit, too. Grinning widely, Sonic leapt to his feet in a hurry and began throwing punches at the echidna. He was loving this- It felt good to be able to do something like this.

It was true that Sonic could dodge many attacks, but the closer the range, the worse his dodging was... And Knuckles' large fists could probably do a number on the hedgehog.


knuxguardian July 13 2008, 04:02:45 UTC
And so, Knuckles and Sonic's positions were reversed. Now, Knuckles was the dodger, something that was harder to do than it seemed. This guy really was fast and only barely managed to dodge each punch because of his own fighting experience and Sonic's faulty form.

At some point in all this dodging, Knuckles realized that if he couldn't punch him the traditional way, he'd have to keep him from moving. Taking a chance, Knuckles stopped and made for a grab for one of Sonic's arms.


blue_tornado July 13 2008, 04:04:37 UTC
Sonic yelped, having been grabbed. He frowned at the echidna and started pulling at his arm, pushing on Knuckles... trying to get free. "Geez, you got some sorta grip or what! Leggo!"

It wouldn't be good to roll into a ball, he'd risk damaging his arm... Sonic growled a bit and raised one of his legs, preparing to kick Knuckles in the gut.


knuxguardian July 13 2008, 15:33:59 UTC
At times like these, Knuckles thanked his father, mother, and the Master Emerald that he was born with two arms and not one. Pulling Sonic's arm closer to him, Knuckles attempted to grab the kicking leg.


blue_tornado July 13 2008, 19:26:37 UTC
Well, this was a dilemma. Knuckles had now grabbed his arm and his kicking leg. So, Sonic was left with two options. Either just stand there awkwardly, or try to kick with his other leg... He'd probably lose his balance, but right now, it would mean that the Echidna was in charge of his balance, right?

"You're sure into some weird dancing, pal!" Sonic attempted to joke, shifting his free foot and trying to think of a way he'd be able to kick this guy without breaking something. Next time, he'd be sure not to get too close to this guy... But then again, Sonic had never fought Knuckles before, either, so it was a good training experience.


knuxguardian July 13 2008, 23:40:50 UTC
Knuckles decided to ignore the joke and just get straight to the punch. However, he quickly put aside the idea when Sonic attempted to kick him, again. While Sonic was nowhere near as tough as him, Sonic did know how to kick and kick hard.

He could drop him and make some distance between them, but there was no way Knuckles was going to give up control so easily. So, he decided to take an alternative route instead. Digging his feet into the ground, Knuckles used his arms and weight to throw Sonic into the air right above him.


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