Characters: Shi Ryuuki and anyone on the Serenity
Content: Ryuuki wanders the halls of the Serenity like a ghost after a nightmare.
Setting: Random hallways on the Serenity
Time: Late night
Warnings: None as of yet.
Because a vision softly creeping, left its seed while I was sleeping )
That night was no different, and all he could do was be patient. He was dreadfully tired, but his mind refused to allow him to sleep, as usual. Minato took to lurking around Serenity's halls this time. Compared to the hustle and bustle of the day, it was empty and silent, almost eerie. The sky was clear and the moon shone brightly. He stopped for a moment to look out the window, gazing at the moon in all its brilliance. It was simply beautiful, and he had to stop himself from just staring at it. On the upper deck, he'd have a much better view, and started to go in that direction when he stopped. Someone else was up and about at this hour? And from the sound of it, was coming right for him.
He was surprised, after walking down a hall to see another person. Ryuuki stopped and stared, not having anyone to have been awake at this hour.
"Good evening," he greeted back. "I didn't know anyone else would be awake at this hour."
There was a slight nervous edge in his voice, a lingering effect of his nightmare, though he tried his best to cover it with a smile.
It wouldn't be long until he'd be able to sleep. It was just a waiting game. A very boring waiting game.
He shook it off, it wasn't important right now.
"Do you know why you can't sleep?"
"I don't," he answered. "It's been this way since I was seven years old."
He looked thoughtful, "Maybe there's something that can help? I know I sleep better when there are..." Suddenly, the conversation he'd had with Jennifer came back and he quickly backpedaled, "I mean...when I sleep with certain things...?" He finished awkwardly, as if unsure.
"But it's not what it sounds like!" He made a face. Okay, maybe it was. "I just sleep better when there are people there..."
"Makes sense," he answered. He wasn't going to condemn it. If it really did help, it helped.
"There's probably something that could help you too!" Though he wasn't too sure how you're supposed to go about finding the thing that helped and, more importantly...
"Doesn't it get lonely?" After all, it wasn't like a lot of people would be awake at night.
"It does," he nodded. It didn't bother him nearly as much as it used to. "But, I know everyone will be around in the morning, so it's not too bad."
"But what if they're not there?"
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