Characters: Joshua and any other crew/passengers from the Convoy.
Content: Joshua bothering people. Nothing unusual.
Setting: On board the Fiertia, in various locations.
Time: After the Convoy's crew jacked the Fiertia.
Warnings: Joshua trolling and whatever else you bring with you. At some point, VERY MATURE YELLING.
Notes: Please tag in the subject line your location!
The Fiertia was a rather nice ship. Joshua was feeling rather restless, however. Not having a job to do and not having the usual means of entertainment meant he feeling quite bored. It was a bit inconvenient that he didn't have all his belongings, but Joshua could live with that...
... by annoying other people.
So, as he was thoroughly exploring the Fiertia (though that was more an excuse; all airships had the same basic components), was intent on intent on getting some kind of entertainment out of the people on board.