Yesterday's been laid to rest, changing of the guard [open!]

Oct 20, 2010 15:11

Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki and anyone on the Amestris
Content: HATERS GONNA HATE. No really, this is Ichigo giving up on his reputation and getting on with his life. He hasn't been hiding out in his room or avoiding anyone--actually, he seems strangely confident. ALSO FEEL FREE TO NOTICE A RING HE'S WEARING. ON HIS LEFT RING FINGER. Surely there's no story behind that, is there?
Setting: All over the Amestris, though you're more likely to encounter him in places like the hangar, the mess hall, or hallways.
Time: Shortly after landing in Bydan.
Warnings: Standard language waring from Ichigo, possible discussion of adult subjects if you feel like trolling him...and what you bring with you, of course.

It seemed like circumstances had conspired to take any and all weight off of Ichigo's shoulders. In the first place, he hadn't felt a thing from the hollow since he'd gotten the reiatsu-suppressing ring from Yuuko. Sure, it was weird not to see spirits anywhere, but it was a quiet he felt he could get used to -- especially since it meant he could stay on the Amestris. And as for the spiritual powers...he didn't really mind not being able to use his bankai. It wasn't like he needed it every day or anything. He'd just train harder to fight well without them. And the Vizard mask? Ichigo wouldn't have used that if he didn't have to anyway. Though he hadn't been able to get rid of the hollow, he'd managed to seal it up. That was the next best thing, wasn't it?

On top of that, talking with Yuuko and with Watanuki had cleared up some very, very old doubts and fears of his. He'd wound up feeling...calmer, somehow. Rather than fighting the past, he'd found himself growing to accept it, turning towards changing the future.

And even that stupid article had made him realize something. Since his public reputation was in tatters anyway, nothing anyone could do now could possibly make things any worse. So who cared what the network thought? The people who mattered knew the truth (even if they were being assholes about it) and anyone else who did buy into it? Fuck them. So Ichigo went about his daily routine with his head held high, working on his plane and eating and exploring the ship and wondering if he wanted to go out into Bydan. He hadn't been here in a while, after all.

(There was only one small problem, not even a problem so much as a question, but it wasn't anything major. He could deal with it if it came up, but it really wasn't likely that it would, so it was best to ignore it.)

Yes, all things considered, things were looking pretty good for Ichigo Kurosaki right now. His step was light, his manner easy, and his head was clear.

huang rong, kimihiro watanuki, hwang bu-ling, miles edgeworth, allen walker, sanae hanekoma, king bradley (wrath), kurosaki ichigo, uryuu ishida

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