Characters: the Warrior of Light and open.
Content: The Warrior of Light spends some time training, and getting to know some of his crewmates.
Setting: the Convoy training center
Time: Afternoon, a few days after WoL joins the Convoy.
Warnings:Hopefully none.
The only thing better is crossing blades. )
This was how Gaara trained himself. It didn't look like much, but it took laser-like concentration to manipulate the sand so finely. The redhead showed absolutely no sign of having noticed the other person in the room, swinging a sword around.
He still hadn’t gotten his movements to be quite right without the shield. It was a matter of balance and of awareness. He was used to compensating for the heft of his shield while he fought. Now that he was not often carrying the shield with him, he would need to change that. He had to focus his attention on consciously changing how he moved, before he could begin to drill himself to commit the move to muscle-memory ( ... )
"...I can't explain how." he said simply, giving a tiny shrug. "It's second-nature to me. I don't really have to think about it."
He didn’t mean to bother the boy, but he did find it interesting, and the redhead didn’t seem particularly adverse to conversation, only perhaps a bit reserved. He knew of magic, of course. His own mana crystal allowed him to cast, though only very specifically.
He looked up from the shifting sand for a moment to look at the boy, and realized that he did not yet know who he was. “If you do not find it offensive for me to ask, what is your name? I am called the Warrior of Light. I only recently joined the ship as a Weapons Master.”
"I am Gaara Sabaku. I joined a couple of weeks ago as a Powder Monkey." He said, commiting the new name and face to memory and carefully filing away the information attached to them.
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