Characters: Green Oak, OPEN
Content: There's someone sneaking around the Convoy late one Lunasa-Eve, and it sure as hell isn't the Hogfather
Setting: On the Convoy. EVERYWHERE.
Time: Lunasa-Eve/Wee hours of Lunasa
Warnings: Green failing at being a ninja, Eevee cuteness
Pokemon characters are used to some B&E )
However, before he could even leave the deck of the ship, Pikachu (wearing his cap) had jumped off his head and taken off, sniffing wildly at the air. Determined and on a mission to find the what she was smelling.
Normally Red would of just let her go. Pika was smart and always came back. However, it was the day before Lunasa, she might just be trying to steal some food from some people.
So he followed her, still holding the sack. Too much sure she didn't do anything bad (and to get his hat back).
There is no way, this could end badly, right?
...and running head first into Pika.
"Vui!" Oh she was a happy Eevee indeed, squeaking in joy. Of course Green had to follow and ruin it.
"What the- oh god not another rat." Green grumbled, moving over to pick Eevee up- only to see that hat. "No way..."
And as if on cue, Red appeared...and promptly stared at the sight in front of him.
"THERE you are, idiot!" he snapped, as if finding Red here was all according to plan.
Red resisted the urge to facepalm, right there.
Running into Ness? Unexcepted and something he wasn't prepared for. But all in all not that Bad.
Running into Iroh? Unexcepted, something he wasn't prepared for, and completely terrifying.
Running into Green? Probally one of the worse things that could happen to the boy. Ever. Outdoing reuniting with any of his family, even if they all appeared at once.
He lifted his arm in greeting. "Yo Green." With that, Red moved to reclaim his hat, careful not to disturb the two monsters. And pretty much waited for Green to challenge him.
Eevee looked up at that, sighing in resigned aggravation.
"Not at all." And then Red got a little smug look on his face. "And I still see your fluff ball is still a useless fluff ball."
When Eevee looked up, Pika began to nuzzle the fox.
"I dunno if I even wanna waste my time smashing it. It'd be cruel~"
Red kept the smirk going. This was comfortable...even if he did miss how they use to be, so long ago. This was still comfortable. It was like he didn't go live on a moutain, for three long years.
"Yeah it would be cruel. To you."
"It's been three years, so you better make it worthwhile!"
With that, Red moved the brim of his hat up so it wouldn't shadow his eyes.
Pika turned around and face Eevee, her cheeks sparking a bit more.
"You can have the first move."
The fox planted her feet, opening her mouth. Between her jaws a crackling ball of black energy formed, definably something new from the last three years, that was for sure. With a yip she let it fly, aiming it right at Pika.
With that, Pika arched her back and took the Shadow ball at full force. She winced from the force of the attack but kept her ground.
Red wasn't Green. He didn't go for surprise tactics, with new moves, nor did he like to show off that much. So he after small pause he decided to stay to a tried and true move.
"Quick Attack." With that Pika hunched, like a coil, before zooming out, at full speed, to tackle Eevee.
Green knew he had to counter Pika's speed if he wanted to win. "Eevee, you know what to do." He called out, smirking. Eevee shook herself off before taking stance again. Soon a dull energy covered her... then raced over the floor and up the walls, as if forming a almost invisible box around the two fighters.
Just like Green to come up with something new.
And it was just like Red to do what he did next.
"Pikachu Thunderbolt, then put some distance between you two." With that Electricity flowed out of the Pokemon's cheeks and towards the catfox.
"Quick Attack, don't let her get away!" Green called out, his worry changing back to eagerness. Eevee's speed seemed greater, almost amazingly so.
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