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Jul 08, 2008 16:11

Characters: Ikki and whoever shows up.
Content: Ikki is enjoying himself, NOT LIKE THAT, and maybe people stop by?
Setting: Downtown Kropmork.
Time: Early afternoon.
Warnings: Ikki's an idiot, and swearing.

As much as the boy loved being in the sky, the ground wasn't too bad either. Especially considering all the hottest women seemed to enjoy the ground, and the best food was located on terra firma. So with some spare time Ikki had left the 4423 and ventured out into the city. He wasn't too hard to spot, seeing as he was the only one who could ride on the sides of buildings wearing a pair of boots with wheels(read: motorized-rollerskates) and ride on air currents.

After a while of practicing and doing some light working out(push ups, sit ups, lifting park benches) Ikki ended up on a small grassy hill on his back, looking up at the sky. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting out a long sigh. It had been a long time since he'd seen his family and friends, and it was just something that was weighing down his mind.

≠ hyuuga neji, ≠ knuckles guardian, ≠ jet link, ≠ minami "ikki" itsuki

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